I was living in Washington DC from 1988 through 1992. Mt Pinatubo blew, and that was the only summer where I never needed to turn on the AC. I thought at the time if one lousy volcano could do that, all the king's models and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again. I worked on IR remote sensing throughout that time and was so sickened by the bullshit masquerading as Science™️. Because when I hired on at NASA in 1980 climatologists were anticipating global cooling. By the late 80s it was warming. Now it's whatever.

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Yes, after the Great Pacific Climate Shift of 1976, which ended the mid 20th century cooling, it took a while for warming to become apparent, so 'scientists' were still quite prepared to blame man-made aerosols for plunging us into a new Ice Age.

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What cracks me up is I live in central California where the temperatures sore sometimes up to 110 during summer months.This has always been normal since I was a child. Suddenly the last few years they are calling 100° extreme etc. They call normal weather excessive, frightening everybody.

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Hunga Tonga. No mention. Huh.

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Whichever way you cut it... give us more tax £/$ and we can fight off the effects of climate change.

These people are absolutely f'ing nuts. My shoes are too big! Climate change. My dogs depressed! Climate change. It was dark last night. Climate f'ing change.

Coupled, non-linear, chaotic system and they are trying to convince us they know the formula and can reliably predict the future.

After listening to the same fascists claim multiculturalism is a good thing (where different communities live alongside each other and out of respect don't try and make each other fit in with one another) I'm starting to see the attraction. Can these Climate cultists just leave us alone to live our lives. And if they want to impoverish themselves I'm happy for that and promise not to interfere.

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Ha! Yes, there's no bad stuff that happens anywhere, anytime, which is not due to climate change. Climate change is more omnipotent than God himself, which is probably why climate change cultists now worship Net Zero (the only known antidote to the evil climate crisis caused by evil human beings) instead of the Almighty.

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"This El Niño is weird."

Um... what is the scientific definition of "weird"?

Not a term I've come before.

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Excellent stuff. As you say nobody wants to talk about the volcano. It was unprecedented so the honest answer is, nobody knows. However it’s the event that fits the puzzle.

The big elephant is the CERES data, which clearly shows that since 2000 there has been more incoming short wave solar radiation reaching the surface, accounting for 80% of warming. It should blow the CO2 Control knob theory out the water. Especially as CO2 is getting close to saturation of the 15micron wavelength. The problem there, is an entire multi trillion dollar industry relies on it. Not to mention the UN wealth distribution agenda.

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Thanks Jaime for squelching the dopes and liars with their own words!

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I have to say well done the BBC for finding their way about the user-unfriendly menus of C3S ECMWF (Copernicus Climate Change Service, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). I’d never heard of them.

Unfortunately for the ideology-blinded BBC propagandists who make no mention of the Hunga-Tonga eruption in their article, that ‘October 2023 hottest on record’ chart clearly demonstrates the absurdity of the man-made global warming claims of the climate alarmists.

Always remember that their own junk science modelling of atmospheric CO2 global warming predicts a global temperature increase of a slow but steady 0.2°C per DECADE. The C3S graph shows a sudden jump of around 0.4°C over the ten months of 2023, a factor of about 24 too high. Furthermore, to repeat the ENSO graph I’ve posted before, the current El Nino is still puny in terms of its global warming potential relative to the 2015-16 El Nino, see https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/CDB/Tropics/figt5.gif.

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I note that the equally corrupt and complicit ITV are following exactly the same line as the lying, corrupt BBC, with no mention of the Hunga Tonga eruption: https://www.itv.com/news/2023-11-08/2023-virtually-certain-to-be-warmest-year-on-record-after-hottest-ever-october.

In the face of this deplorable state-sponsored climate change junk science propaganda, what hope is there that the average (if gullible) Joe Public, who relies almost exclusively on the MSM for his news, can really know what is going on? It’s a sadly intractable problem.

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At this point in 2015, the ONI was 2.2. For the current El Nino it is 1.5, only just qualifying the event as 'strong'. There have only been three 'very strong' El Ninos since 1950 - 1982/83, 1997/98 & 2014/16. Spencer and Christy say this El Nino developed unusually early but the 2014/16 event started in September 2014 and stretched over THREE years, not just two! NOAA currently forecasts the current event to be just moderate/strong and its model actually predicts it will start to decline from here on (see update to post). It's just crazy to try to pin this warming on El Nino.

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"The fact that we're seeing this record hot year means record human suffering,"

I actually read that with the Swedish Doom Goblin's hyperventilating tone in my head.

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Doom Goblin! You nailed it. When I look at her face I see evil and it leaves me wondering: how do you raise a kid like that?

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How about the human suffering from shutting down the world economy over covid? They want to do the same over climate change. Funny how they only care about human suffering from natural events and accept any amount of human suffering caused by their policies.

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'Global human suffering is directly proportional to the increase in global mean surface temperature.'

Dumb, really dumb. Greta Goblin and Otto are birds of a feather.

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I love the idea of suffering in July in a bikini instead of a coat on the Oregon beaches 🌊

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Nov 8, 2023
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I was vaguely aware of this theory. Thanks for the link. My immediate question though is if the heat source of El Ninos comes from the sea floor, why do we see such obvious changes in surface water temperature and currents plus atmospheric circulation?

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The easterly trade winds blow across South America moving the warm surface water west. Cold water up wells to replace it. This eventually weakens the trades and the warmer seas spread back.

It’s like if you are running a hot bath, where you push the hot water away from the taps, and cold water moves in from the other end.

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