Nevertheless, I very clearly and explicitly remember contrails dispersing quickly. Moreover, as one ex. I was in Cannon Beach, OR about 7 years ago. Up to coast was a high altitude jet, leaving a - what should I call it, since you don't like chemtrails - a wake? It got over the town, then, without changing altitutude, turned around and headed back, with no contrail.

Really? Should I not believe my own lying eyes?

I saw something similar when working at Zimmer in Warsaw IN around the same time, with the contrail suddenly stopping without altitude change, and worse, another jet coming by at roughly same altitude with NO contrail. Was it using fairy dust as fuel?

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

It would be really nice if one of the globalist's plans to kill us was just a conspiracy theory. I'd love just ONE less thing to think about.

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In between starving us to death, killing us with bad 'medicine', freezing us to death, scaring us to death, depressing us to death and impoverishing us to death, I really don't see why they need to bother with the bug spraying thing, but there you are, maybe they just want to be thorough and make absolutely sure!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Jamie, appreciate your efforts into this. While the use of chaff was already well established by WWII for radar coverage, that’s not the case with your selected images. It is also appropriate to call out Wiggington, as the more unverifiable claims weaken the entire position. However, you asked for lab testing, and said the site provides none, but it has a testing section of water, soil and air, lab tests from individuals around the world. Getting readings in lake water of 62,000 ppb Al is ludicrous! And, many of these are substantially higher. No one is suggesting that every contrail is a chemtrail, nay, most are just condensate. But, aluminum, barium and strontium are found in ever increasing amounts, obscene and unrealistic levels, and it must be coming from somewhere! With the composition of coal fly ash having highly concentrated levels of these metals, and CIA director John Brennan in 2016 bragging about the 16x reflectivity of coal fly ash versus SO2 spraying. The US government isn’t typically in the biz of telling us ahead of time what they are doing, but slowly trickling out after decades of action. The spraying is to lift average temps as the daytime highs aren’t doing it. “Night warming faster than day”. Here is a link to some of those tests. Please use your skills to analyze the data. If we keep allowing companies like Make Sunsets to exist, we will never see one again!


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I wonder how many people who subscribe to the chemtrails story line have ever lived in a farming region. Planting of spraying goes on via truck, tractors, crop dusters and possibly sometimes with the irrigation water spraying pipe systems. Runoff from farms has long been a source of fertilizers turning up in the darkest of places. There really is no need of high altitude spraying. As far as the trails not dispersing, which another commenter posted, that is not a sign of an efficient way to spread something far and wide.

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Hi Kitsune, definitely recommend subscribing to: https://chemtrails.substack.com/

Or, check for yourself, use Yandex, obviously, “history of geoengineering”. This isn’t some hidden esoteric knowledge.

There is over a 100 year paper trail of government documents detailing geoengineering operations. How many fertilizers are trapping radiative heat from the earths’ surface in order to keep the myth of global boiling alive in a solar cycle with reduced activity?

Better yet, see for yourself. Take a rainwater samples, testing is fairly cheap. I pay $150 at Cornell’s lab, and there are many mail order options as well.

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Mankind has attempted to influence the weather since long before our ability to record such efforts. All attempts fail. A single volcano can put far more stuff into the atmosphere that all emissions combined by mankind since we came to be. If they are in fact trying to change the weather, they suck at it. Further, when I was young, it was global cooling they used to try to scare everyone in to paying more taxes and giving up our freedoms.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Here ya go. Natural climate events seem to be good propaganda for more "vaccine" development. A long article, but a glimpse into the minds of some scientists.


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Oh, and I don't write a substack. I retired from Los Alamos National Lab in 1994 and I'm not interested in working so hard again.

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I am assembling an album of trees. I haven't forgotten.

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When I looked at the jet engine manufacturers saying their engines do not cause Chem trails. When I looked as a child in the 60’s those trails went poof quick. When these cocaine lines are delivered now they remain slowly descending to earth in curtain forms. You can not tell me these are commercial plane routes. Gods clouds are very easily identifiable. Interesting they have stopped

For awhile here. But the whole idea of poisoning us with nanobots dimming our Sun, is just fuckery.

When they stop spraying, the war on us is over.

Indeed geoengineering creating their climate crisis so we can all reduce our carbon footprint to be taxed and punished more just is more BS more control.

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Jet engine manufacturers said no contrails created. * not Chem trails*

I’ve shown people these cocaine lines

Their replies are rather who cares. I care.

No one asked me, if they could dump

Their mined shipped containers in planes then spray a cocktail of nano metals that lay waste everywhere.

Someday all who played this game will burn in Hell. I tell that to the pilots as they go about leaving their trails.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

good one! Totally agree contrails are a red herring when it comes to "proving" chem trails. Chem trails MAY be happening, but to prove it, you need evidence of something other than jet contrails.

I mentioned in another comment on another one of your posts that there are hundreds of commercial jets in US airspace at any point in time. "Hundreds" is probably too low. 15 million flights per year = over 40,000 flights per day which translates to more than 3,000 in the air at any given point in time. That's a lot of contrails!

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

We get a fair number of flights overhead and vapour trails are usually visible (on the few days we're not clouded over!). Most of them hang around for a while but some aircraft leave no trail. I assume that's down to the differing humidity of the atmosphere at different altitudes.

If I remember correctly, a few decades ago experts were afraid that all those vapour trails would lead to global cooling and we'd have a new ice age.

I don't pay much attention to experts any more.

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Supposedly, according to 'climate scientists', persistent contrails cause net warming, which is another reason why we all have to cut back on our foreign holidays.

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Any idea why they claim this?

It used to be said that clouds (and vapour trails) increase the Earth's albedo and so reflect more energy back into space (hence the ice age theory).

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The reason supposedly is that the reflection of incoming short wave radiation during the day is more than compensated for by the deflection of outgoing long wave radiation at night; thus net warming occurs.

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I'm puzzled.

If we have the same cloud that lasts 24 hours and it reflects all wavelengths from IR to optical then solar optical and IR are reflected back up during the day but only terrestrial IR is reflected back down at night.

All else being equal, I would have thought the daytime solar energy (optical + IR) flux at the cloud top must be much higher than the night time terrestrial IR flux at the cloud bottom. Assuming that the cloud reflects the same fraction of incident energy then it's not obvious why more is going up at night than coming down during the day.

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I think the problem is that persistent spreading contrails are more likely to form when aircraft take off late in the day and then they persist overnight, trapping IR heat radiated from the surface, so their net effect is warming because not so much incoming radiation is reflected during the day. That's the theory, although in my experience, messy contrails tend to form early in the morning AND in the early evening.


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yep. humidity of the upper atmosphere is the key. If humidity in the upper atmosphere is very low, the contrails disappear immediately. Higher humidity causes the H2O in the jet exhaust to precipitate out into ice crystals. (cirrus clouds are an example of clouds that form at altitudes where jets fly--and higher--and they're made up of ice crystals)

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Thanks for this. With all the rest of the previously unbelievable stuff going on, when I saw the title of this post, I thought, “No, not THIS too is true?”

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deletedJul 13, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop
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I'm all for conspiracy theories. Too many have become fact recently to dismiss them out of hand. However, it is natural to ask for evidence of conspiracy theories which are becoming particularly pervasive and where the facts don't seem to fit the conspiracy narrative.

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deletedJul 13, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop
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This one doesn’t. When the contrails disappear quickly. When they stick around for fifteen minutes, there will be more clouds tomorrow. When they stick astound, it will rain tomorrow. So the REAL conspiracy theory, which you can observe where you live, is that contrails cause rain.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023Author

Exactly. It could be that the atmospheric conditions necessary for the formation of rain and for the formation of persistent spreading contrails are the same, hence the impression that contrails/chemtrails 'cause' rain.

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Meshch59, I cared enough to type on my iphone (awww). Sorry about all of the typos. I am glad there was enough there to make sense.

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