One always knew at school those that would be a polizman...

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Thank you for the update, It does not change anything but reading the rest of the story is always good, and in this case a cautionary tale to others.

"This vital context, in addition to the video of the shootings, now proves beyond doubt that the police response was outrageously disproportionate and unreasonable. "

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May 10, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I've watched the video and it's clear that the only ones dangerously out of control were the police.

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It's deeply distressing. They provoked the first dog into lunging at them on the lead and then they shot it. Then they tasered the outraged and distressed owner, who let go of the second dog who was tethered to the first and then they shot the second dog in cold blood as it was running away from them.

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A post from Animal Rising read: 'We know this is wrong. Heartbreaking footage first uploaded to social media last night shows the Met Police shooting dead two distressed dogs who were on a lead and realistically did not represent any danger to the public nor the police.

'@metpoliceuk prove themselves to be a dangerous establishment time after time, enforcing unjust laws and overextending their powers. They exert oppression and brutal force on innocent people and animals alike.

'The Police do not serve and protect us. They exist to control us, the people, and uphold dangerous systems to protect the state and the elite.

'This has always been the case - but the mask is slipping. This is injustice.'


Comments deactivated on that Daily Mail article - surprise, surprise.

It's a sad fact, but the police going round shooting and injuring innocent people provokes widespread protest, quite rightly. But when they go round shooting dead innocent dogs and tasering their owner, it provokes widespread fury. It's probably not right, but that's how it is. We are, after all, a nation of animal lovers. I think the Met have stirred up a real hornet's nest with this latest outrage.

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