I don't keep chickens, but I have a few exotic Indian junglefowl...

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This is just horrible. It needs to be stopped dead in its tracks..before our chickens and ourselves are.

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Total madness. We have chickens but they are surrounded and outnumbered by pheasants (most years the local estates release arount 10-20,000 within 5 miles of us). Pheasants are totally unregulated afaik. Aand then there's hundreds of ducks in the river which nest all around the area. There are thousands of crows which are pests but no-one's allowed to shoot anymore. So why is the government coming after a few chickens? As you say it's about control.

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So presumably this will require DEFRA to set up a new department to handle the extra paperwork, hundreds - perhaps thousands - of new gold plated, inflation proofed pensionable jobs for shirking at home snivel serpents, with all sorts of draconian rights of access etc. etc. to all and sundry. properties on the suspicion that there may be an illicit Red Leghorn lurking in the shed...

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Spot on. Our pigeon racing hobby is being ruined by regulations like this which in our case were imposed by the EU. UK fanciers have raced birds from France since the 19th century. Now the EU is insisting on loft registration, annual veterinary inspections, vaccination of all birds (racing or not) detailed logs of birds kept, spot checks and so on if we want to race from across the Channel. Costly veterinary inspections must also take place when the birds are basketed for each cross-Channel race.

Surprisingly (or not) it is DEFRA which has implemented the database and is administering the rules. It's almost as if we haven't really left the EU.

Despite specialising in Channel racing, I decided not to register the loft on a government database and resigned myself to racing only from inland locations. Now it looks as if all lofts will shortly have to be on the DEFRA database anyway. I had an idea that DEFRA were keen on the registration idea. They certainly set the EU system up very quickly. Now perhaps we can see why.

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I heard a new joke the other day..."Those who forget the lessons of history will be forced to repeat the third grade..."

We're it that simple.

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They can piss off with their Holodomor 2023 plans.

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That's the only sane response to this.

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They will ban small holdings and vegetable patches soon. I heard some states in australia have already done it.

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I recently discovered that the state of Western Australia has effectively banned wild food foraging...

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