This is the thin end of the wedge. Defra and the devolved Welsh and Scottish governments want to know who’s keeping hens so that they know exactly where to go when they tell us all that they have to be slaughtered or ‘vaccinated’ because of H5N1 Bird ‘Flu. Just as the government does not want you keeping warm by burning your own wood on a wood burning stove, thus avoiding using state-controlled ‘Green’ electricity or gas, they now want to ensure that you don’t feed yourself by raising healthy chickens for eggs and meat. They want control over that too. Once you register your tiny flock of backyard hens, they’ll tighten the screws and they will send teams around to murder your birds or force them inside their hutches or inject them with experimental mRNA ‘vaccines’ when the WHO decides that H5N1 is a ‘pandemic’ requiring globally coordinated public health measures.
The Gateway Pundit has the story:
It’s all about control.
People in Great Britain who keep chickens in their yards are forced to register them with the government under a new proposed law to stop the spread of bird flu.
As part of the ongoing efforts to combat avian influenza, the government of England, Wales, and Scotland introduced a proposal on Wednesday that would make it mandatory for all poultry keepers to formally register their birds.
The new rules would apply to all bird keepers, no matter how many birds they own. Currently, only people who keep 50 birds or more are required by law to do so.
Under the rule, people who keep birds as pets or for food production (i.e., eggs) will be forced to register as well. Failure to do so is a violation of the law. They would also be required to update their information every year.
Here is the Government announcement which has a link to the consultation. I would urge all British residents to fill in the consultation questionnaire, objecting strongly to the proposals.
Views sought on new registration rules for all bird keepers in Great Britain.
New rules would require all bird keepers to register their birds and update information annually.
Proposal is part of government action to tackle avian influenza.
Proposals to require all poultry keepers to officially register their birds were launched by the government today (7 March) as part of efforts to tackle avian influenza.
The new rules would apply to all keepers, no matter how many birds they have. At present only those who keep 50 birds or more are required by law to do so. They would also be required to update their information on an annual basis.
By registering their birds with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), keepers will ensure they receive important updates such as any local avian influenza outbreaks and information on biosecurity rules to help protect their flocks from the threat of avian influenza.
It’s just another arm of the bio-security state, now seeking to limit and control our food supply. They’ll be coming for home vegetable growers and allotment holders next.
‘Coincidentally’, this appeared on Substack today from Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson. During Convid, they came for you and they came for your kids. The government is now coming for your chickens. The murderous pandemic modelers are coming for your beloved Chucks. Time for us peasants to revolt I think.
Total madness. We have chickens but they are surrounded and outnumbered by pheasants (most years the local estates release arount 10-20,000 within 5 miles of us). Pheasants are totally unregulated afaik. Aand then there's hundreds of ducks in the river which nest all around the area. There are thousands of crows which are pests but no-one's allowed to shoot anymore. So why is the government coming after a few chickens? As you say it's about control.