Lions are lazy. Lionesses do all the hunting and ensures the pride continues. Lions kill other lions and kill the offspring of other lions born in their pride. There are many reasons to find a better quote on how truth prevails. However, I do love the photo and love lions. Nature lives by rules I have little ability to comprehend.

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Lions do get an easy ride compared to the lionesses of the pride, but generally they do step up and fulfil their duty when it comes to protecting the pride from other 'less fit' lions who might want to propagate their inferior genes by killing the existing cubs and impregnating the bereaved mothers. Of course, sometimes they get toppled by new males, new blood and the take-over is not pretty, it's violent and bloody, but the species lives on. Just like there is no permanent, unassailable 'Truth', there is only the best Truth for the current time, the Truth which will ensure the survival of the species. The Truth we are currently being sold, as humans, will ensure the deaths of billions and may ultimately lead to the weakening and eventual extinction of the species.

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I’m just glad that as a superior species, we don’t kill off less fit competitors or their progeny. On second thought, isn’t that the plan of the WEF?

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Hello. From his post I can say that Steve presents a nothing burgher, though i can't say about the actual data he uses.

He presents 10 years or so of overall mortality- ie number of deaths but they are not adjusted for increase in population size nor age, the old are more likely to die-so deaths will always go up in an increasing and aging population.

His second bit about deaths by month after vaccine lot is bizarre. He doesn't say which months they refer to, and presumably deaths increase in the winter, nor make any comparisons to deaths without vaccine or after different lots in those same months. Perhaps they were less?

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Kirsch is so smart he believes the global warming propaganda. http://www.skirsch.com/politics/goals/national.htm

Sorry to say, when Kirsch failed to call out Malone for not exposing the dangers of the vaccine until the last year of the plandemic, I knew something was wrong.

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That link is to a document from March 20, 2002, that doesn't appear to have been updated since.

A lot can happen in 22 years...

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Kirsch hasn’t pulled it off the web and of all people, he knows how to do that. I easily found it because I looked! If you don’t look, you have no idea. He backs RFK jr who is a delusional climate change riverkeepers radical who wants to control through political means as much as any WEF puppet!

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