Fearporn for the sheeple.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

“It’s a very understandable, empathetic reaction to an existential threat.” Another academic makes a fool of herself but most people (including me probably) wouldn't have spotted that.

The barbarians are at the city gates and they're wielding sharp sticks while the citizens with their automatic weapons cower in fear.

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This is the climate change equivalent to affirming gender dysphoria.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

So the climate panic cuz Flabbergaslighting propagandist spokeshole screeching about the Global™ warming® Climate© Crisis® Narrative™ has convinced suggestible NPC who have not taken the time to look at real climate data, is really a sales program for antipsychotics?

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

A case of eco-anxiety? The latest gem from "sheila 54" - in comments on an article at my local rag's website.

"This is a flea bite compared to what the world needs to do in the next 10 years judging by the latest report out today. Carbon capture on a massive scale, no imports/exports, no carbon emitting travel and reduction of our meat consumption to almost nil - way below 1950s levels. At least Hereford is trying to do something rather than ignoring 'heat incompatible with life'. No use looking to government for guidance as all they're interested in is the economy which doesn't exist on a dead planet."

Understandable, perhaps, if she were one of those 16 to 24-year-olds. But no spring chicken is Sheila; she's older than me, and I'm 67.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I never believe "polls". That being said I'm sure there are plenty of mentally ill current Covidians ready to pivot to the new thing... Or the old thing in this case.

As Mattias Desmet opined, the anxiety will go somewhere. The anxiety is perhaps caused by the God shaped hole in some, lack of meaningful connections in others, mechanistic thinking, etc...

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