May 11, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Further to the hatchet-job article against Andrew Bridgen in Spiked, Dr Ahmad Malik has discovered that Spiked is funded by Koch Brothers Inc who have interests in Covid test equipment and the manufacture of the Moderna Covid vaccines. Follow the money! See the multi-tweet thread: https://twitter.com/DocAhmadMalik/status/1655940946817875972?t=i03FuvJu6Ji2EVc2gJWRJg&s=19

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Of course, he's getting hassle now from his medical director for speaking out against the vaccines and exposing the vested interests of those who attempt to cancel the people who do speak out - like Andrew Bridgen and Dr Malik.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I take a slightly different view Jamie. I'm a full blown libertarian (I used to be Tory but we've not seen and Tory policies for about 30+ yrs - yes its taken me a long time to move away) so think that everyone is entitled to their views no matter how bad or wrong I think it is. Of course that cuts both ways... which is what the non-libertarians most definitely don't want.

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We're no different. I absolutely agree that everyone is entitled to have an opinion and is entitled to freely express that opinion (as long as it does not contravene any reasonable law of course).

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

funny how no one ever mentions the 1-200 million people murdered outright or in camps by various communist regimes. No one ever mentions that a certain group played a very large part in the Holodomor and various other democides in their respective countries. The Red Terror one and two are examples in a certain country.

anyway good article.

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People do mention those atrocities which claimed even more lives than the Holocaust, but oddly, mention of them, as opposed to the Holocaust, does not provoke the same furious reaction from the self-appointed moral thought police and upholders of the rights of past victims of human rights abuses not to have their sufferings demeaned by reference to present abuses. I think it must be the irresistible opportunity to play the racism and anti-Semitism card. Bridgen was notably accused of anti-Semitism for his remarks about the Holocaust.

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I don't see the communist mass murders, holodomor, great leap forward, red terror 1 and 2, Katyn Forest, etc really mentioned at all in MSM. All I ever see is the holocaust.

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The five stages of grief; denial, bargaining, depression, anger, and acceptance are not always traveled in a linear way. And I would add ‘burning’ to the list to honor Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who wrote The Gulag Archipelago;

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking:… If...if...We didn't love freedom enough... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Easy for him to say perhaps, as he survived but burned with regret.

Ah the English Language, would the British Draw and Quarter someone who anticipated regret?

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May 6, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

totally agree with you on this. I too feel rage at times, how did "smart", "well educated" people become complicit in the murder of millions?

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they are psychopaths or willing accomplices of psychopaths. Some are just stupid, susceptible to fear and propaganda.

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It Is Not A Holocaust.

It Is A Solocaust.

These People Have Willfully Chosen

To Destroy Their Own Lives.

With Little Or No Need Of Forcing Them

To Stand In Line.

They Line Themselves Up.


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May 6, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop


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Although official numbers are hard to come by, the COVID genocide is probably about on par with the Holocaust now. So, as people continue to die from the "vaccine", the only improper comparison will be that governments murdered more people this time round.

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If Denis Rancourt's estimates are to be believed, we've had almost two thirds of a Holocaust from the administration of AstraZeneca in India alone, over a few short months. We're looking at approximately 1 million excess deaths post vaccine rollout in the States. Many of those might be iatrogenic deaths (Remdesivir, denial of effective treatments for Covid etc.) but if we're playing a quantitative numbers game, then we're probably already way beyond 6 million preventable and predictable deaths. Qualitatively, of course there are differences between WW2 Nazism and Covid fascism/medical totalitarianism, but there are also chilling similarities too, not least those pointed out by actual victims of the Nazi Holocaust (Vera Sharav and others).

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Xactly perfectly said. I have come to the conclusion that people that have not awaken to this holocaust will never waken. No matter facts graphs until one of their beloved dies and still they will give rational excuses. Parents who led their children for safety reasons carry a GD cell phone that has a library of information on them but too damn lazy to look even to save their own kids. The demons mock us. Yet what’s more frustrating is the idiots who fell for this and still have yet to accept the current holocaust

Be damned by your lack of wisdom

For the Lord comes like a thief in the night

Before I come Lucifer is on borrowed time

And he will deceive the ones lacking sight

Let them who have eyes see

We can only save ourselves

Because I’ve tried to make them see

The blind refuse

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Well said Jaime. It’s so sad that so many of the general public still don’t see that they are being horribly abused.

As for Myers, his article provoked me into cancelling my Spiked subscription. Not that it matters, but I now can’t see how the stroppy comment I posted under the article was received.

As you know I have recently withdrawn from active campaigning against these Covid/climate change/Great Reset crimes against humanity for personal reasons. My piece with the uncompromising title “21st Century crimes against humanity” was published on various online sites way back in July 2022, see https://metatron.substack.com/p/21st-century-crimes-against-humanity?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email. It even appeared in print in a White Rose publication. It relates the Covid criminality to 1930-45 Germany without actually mentioning the Holocaust.

It went down well with the already-awake but all I got from unawake addressees was abuse or cold-shouldering.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Well done Jaime.

I have no tolerance for that garbage now, though at one time, I would likely have also been a little offended that anyone dare to demean the Shoah.

Being offended on behalf of others is unfortunately a modern day pastime.

I still believe the Holocaust happened, but after a lot of reading, I do not trust in the numbers, or many of the methods claimed, especially since becoming aware of what exactly, "history is written by the victors" actually means.

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