Seems like it’s the other way around that you’re the one getting desperate because according to the latest poll from July 77% of the Brit’s believe the climate change is a serious global problem. It’s hard to find that high a percentage agreeing on almost anything these days so you’ve got to work a bit harder along with those deniers who follow you to persuade folks that what’s happening isn’t really happening.

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Polls are next to useless to gauge public opinion. Tell those Brits that their use of domestic appliances will be controlled by central government or that they can't drive a car or sell their house if it's not up to energy performance standards and that 77% will vanish just as surely as the imaginary 'climate crisis' invented by the Guardian in 2018 and plugged by the lying MSM ever since. Extreme weather hype to justify eco-fascism is NOT going to be popular and if you read the comments under many news stories about global extreme weather, you'll get a much better idea of public opinion than from biased polls.

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Nonetheless, I think Herb has a point. The media have successfully propagandised a lot of people into uncritically going along with their narrative, just as they did with Covid.

I think you're right to point out that surveys get the answer their sponsors want but there is clearly a lot of compliance out there. And politicians and their advisors, god bless 'em, look at these surveys.

As you point out, when reality rears its ugly head and people get stuck with ULEZ and LEZ schemes we see the practical consequences. The people pushing this stuff are simply breeding a generation of sceptics who won't even trust them when they say the sun will rise tomorrow.

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Jim, Herb's point is that supposedly 77% of Brits believe that climate change is a serious global problem not because of MSM and activist scientists' lies, misinformation and propaganda, but because there is a clear and unequivocal 'climate crisis' unfolding, which cannot be denied. That's the difference. The fact is, the propaganda which has been driving an uncritical belief in 'dangerous' climate change is beginning to fall apart spectacularly under the weight of its own absurdity as climate alarmists have pivoted to exploiting extreme and even normal weather events (often made worse, in the case of hot, dry weather, by the activities of teams of arsonists) as evidence of a non-existent 'climate crisis'. This is why activist 'scientists' and the Guardian teamed up to get Alimonti et al retracted - because it sent the 'wrong message' to the public on extreme weather. They're desperate to try and control the narrative - and they are failing.

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I sense that you've had some prior correspondence with Herb that's unknown to me but whether his comment means he believes it or not is somewhat irrelevant.

The problem you seem to have is accepting that you're swaying opinion via your column. You may well be doing so but we can never really know.

Reality will sort out who's been right and who's been wrong. No matter how many people used to believe the sun went round the earth, patient and diligent analysis revealed the truth.

You're worried about the totalitarian dangers of widespread, ill-informed beliefs as am I but all we can do is continue to publish what we believe to be true with whatever evidence we can find to support it.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Summer! Imagine that.

Duh of the day.

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