Let’s see first it was the communist the domino theory. Better dead than red. Then the Muslims 911

The terror color days threats. Then came along Covid. An enemy no one has isolated but it has a furin cleavage and has become the reason for the DOD military bioweapon countermeasures, which is now diagnosed as long Covid. Now Climate catastrophe the enemy that is beyond our efforts unless we stop all driving gas machines, stop using gas stoves, not to offend the snowflake weather lords who have gone woke. Where I live the saying goes “ if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes”

This climate Psyop is laughable ridiculous and another communist, terrorist, killer virus, threat that needs a great response. Stop breathing. You carbon unit. There that solves that issue. Next?

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

It all becomes clear if you accept that the climate change agenda has nothing to do with climate. It’s just a tool of oppression. The political class is waging an undeclared war against us, the people, at the behest of their globalist overlords and paymasters, a war across multiple fronts: Orwellian censorship of the truth, depopulation by mandating dangerous mRNA injections, climate change policies which are wrecking the economy and making energy unaffordable, the deliberately-provoked war in Ukraine with self-harming sanctions, the war against farming to create food shortages, the war against cars and the threat of 15-minute cities, threatened mandatory digital Ids and programmable CBDCs, uncontrolled immigration, gender wokery, …

They are going nowhere with their climate change lies and false propaganda because their stupid energy policies are finally causing energy bills to become unaffordable for many people, as was predicted long ago. Blackouts will be next. They can’t keep it up much longer, so look out for them to impose some kind of severe psy-op coercion to try to digitally imprison everyone, as they tried but failed to do with Covid vaccine passports.

Talking of climate change lies, this brilliant tweet https://twitter.com/KeillerDon/status/1672891467767988224?t=WCYGDN5NHwou7LaATm7ReQ&s=19 gives a simple summary of how the UN IPCC progressed from being a fairly above-board organisation in 1990 to being the lying, cheating propaganda outfit they are today by 2001.

You can find the top graph in Figure 7.1 of chapter 7 of the 1990 UN IPCC report https://archive.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/far/wg_I/ipcc_far_wg_I_chapter_07.pdf.

You can find the second graph – the fraudulent, now-discredited "hockey stick graph" – in the 2001 UN IPCC report: https://archive.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/tar/wg1/069.htm.

The rot set in on the 1995 UN IPCC report with the disputed assertion of a "discernible human influence on global climate" which has never since been validated. I documented this skulduggery (search for “discernible”) back in early 2018 https://windfarmaction.wordpress.com/2018/02/09/do-politicians-ever-listen/

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

As if 40C is some magical death barrier. Last I checked, people still live in Iran.

The highest recorded temps here in the USA were also in 1913 in Death Valley.... prior to many cars or planes with their "evil CO2"...

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What are your thoughts on Ethical Skeptics stuff on the very rapid rise in ocean temperatures? https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1672974014464000003?cxt=HHwWhoCwqZPAzLcuAAAA

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In such a short period, the only way for the surface to heat up so quickly is either via direct insolation, or via rapid heat transport from other regions. I would guess that the main cause of the rapid rise in North Atlantic sea surface temperatures since May is due to an increase in UV, with maybe a contribution from ocean transport. But it's not 'climate change' because climate change operates over decades, even centuries. It's something a lot more dynamic and immediate and it demonstrates that the science is very far from 'settled'.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I work outside all year round and I've noticed for the last 2 years that when the sun is behind cloud, the air temperature is usually quite pleasant and not any different to what I would expect.

When the sun is visible though, the heat can quickly become quite unbearable.

Maybe I've become less tolerant of the heat with age, but I can't remember there being such a distinct difference between open sun and a bit cloudy during previous years.

It's almost as though the sun is more intense, or there has been a shift in position.

IIRC, the inuits claimed that there had been a shift in the earths position several years ago.

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It's weird you should say that because I've noticed the same. I worshipped the sun in my teens and twenties. Couldn't get enough of it, so I just assumed that I've become less tolerant to being frazzled. I can't think of any other rational reason. The sun hasn't got intrinsically brighter, it hasn't got closer to earth. As far as I am aware, there has been no sudden change in the seasons in the northern hemisphere as regards the position of the sun at the equinoxes and solstices. Maybe our skies have got clearer, allowing more UV to penetrate to the surface. But the chemtrail people would have us believe the opposite and it certainly does seem that our once blue skies are more frequently afflicted by spreading aircraft trails.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

From the Covid PsyOp to the climate PsyOp. Same playbook.

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