Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

It's Aliens.....

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"Let’s wait until the facts come in and the Maui police and FBI finally give us an updated, completely validated list of missing persons."

There it is... QED.

You know the police chief/head coroner (strange confluence) has a Vegas history... Right?

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Like I said, if something doesn't smell right when we get the final updated list of verified missing persons, be it from a police chief with a 'history' or not, then is the time to start asking questions.

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It stinks already... And not just of charred remains.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

People who start rumors have the same motives as the people who start fires. Both have an uncontrolled urge to make trouble.

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I hope you could see that your allegory is far too simplistic to sustain its logic. You’d have to be able to assess that the people “starting the rumors” were either liars lying willfully, or just stupidly repeating what they heard. You would also have to be able to clearly prove that the rumor was not true.

Every detective who has ever worked a case has been, at some point in their case, a conspiracy theorist. it’s their job, to theorize how the event went down, using existing evidence to pull the story together, and chasing each lead to where it either terminates as untrue, or demonstrates proof of each section of the theory.

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And people who strive to thwart and undermine investigative inquiries into tragic events are vested in controlling the narrative.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

the "officials" do try to thwart and undermine investigative inquiries. That alone should make anyone question them. There is always an official narrative that has numerous problems. Shut up, insignificant person, we are the "authorities" you must believe us. You are being ridiculous and we don't have to answer your questions anyway. At this point believing anything that the f.b.I. or any government apparatchik says is absurd.

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And “JUST STOP” is the cry of liberals defending narratives. Don’t use it, or be lumped in with those lying disingenuous fucks.

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Is it? I wasn't aware. Whatever, it seems an appropriate phrase to use in this instance and liberals don't have a monopoly on English language phraseology. Nobody does.

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Another email disabled immediately after publishing this post. Too bad. I'm not going to shy away from confronting what I consider to be unsubstantiated and damaging speculation.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

I appreciate that you are striving to bring the facts. However, suggesting that this event was not coordinated, that the whole thing occurred naturally, conveniently removing locals who stood in the way of those who would obtain this “most valuable real estate on earth” is as stupid/disingenuous as Rochelle Walensky looking for vaccine safety signals.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I appreciate Jaime Jessop's stance as well. Any rational individual would. I guess I am just done with the lies and destruction of the people who want to rule and control everything.

I find it curious that apparently the wealthy enclave wasn't damaged at all. Is this wrong?

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I never have suggested that 'the whole thing occurred naturally' or stated outright that the negligent and incompetent response and the lack of precautions ahead of the response was not in fact coordinated. There is not enough evidence to answer this question definitively, either way. I have pointed out that the ignition of the fires is almost certainly not natural, possibly arson, carelessness or downed power lines (which puts HECO in the frame for criminal negligence). I have pointed to the abundance of evidence however which suggests strongly that it was naturally occurring weather which created the conditions necessary for the fires and have questioned the supposed 'evidence' for DEWs and/or geoengineering weather modification. I have not specifically endorsed or rejected theories that people were deliberately trapped in Lahaina or that the extinguishing of the fires was deliberately thwarted by persons known or unknown for sinister motives. I just don't know enough to comment on those issues. That's hardly Rochelle Walensky grade stupid. Suggesting that it is just might be though.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I apologize for the Rochelle comment. That was kind of a low blow.

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Already forgotten Benj. What is really bothering me now is that the police apparently blocked roads because of live downed power lines, but HECO turned off the power 6 hours earlier. How could the police department not know this? It beggars belief.

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