How does anybody believe anything that they were taught over the last fourty years after the last three years?

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

More proof of coordinated pre-planning on the Covid plandemic. From about 15 minutes in rabbi Michoel Green tells of the frightening early warning signal he saw in June 2019 when the authorities in NY and California eliminated the right to religious exemption on vaccinations.


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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

The video gives the testimonies of various Jews, many of them Holocaust survivors or offspring of survivors like Dr Vladimir Zelenko, who see very strong parallels with what happened under the Nazis and what has happened during the Covid “plandemic”. Hence the title “Never Again”.

They note that what has happened with Covid is straight out of the Nazi playbook, starting with the isolation and oppression of Covid dissenters, painting them as a threat to public health and denying them their fundamental human rights. Goebbels would have been proud of modern day propaganda techniques. Rabbi Michoel Green from 29:00 says we are witnessing global genocide just like before.

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Dr Z was 48, isn't that a little too young to have parents who were adults during WWII? WWII ended in 1947.

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3rd generation.

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Ah, so that means that his relatives weren't killed in a concentration camp, right?

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Zelenko comes on at 12:15 and the caption says he is a 3rd generation Holocaust survivor. OK?

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I was particularly impressed by Michael Green.

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How alarmingly sad. And evil. The Germans lost the war. The Nazis won.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

WW2 is even sicker when we attempt to justify firebombing most of defeated Japan AND then bathing two of their cities in nuclear fire just to see what happens with our new toys.....

"But an invasion would have cost xxxxxxxxx more lives". All lies. A defeated island nation eventually will surrender. Did Japan go on to bomb Honolulu and other civilian centers on Hawaii after the Pearl Harbor naval base?

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

American corporations also propped up the Vietnam war when there was no direct US interest in it. President Eisenhower said in his farewell address, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex,” yet that is exactly what has happened as politicians enter into conflicts where there is no real public support. The Ukraine, and Afghanistan are other examples. Now we see how there is a new danger. The Military/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, the Department of Defense and DARPA, the defense advanced research project were at the helm as partners in the pandemic and the response.

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