it's so "safe and effective" that heart conditions have increased worldwide by 40% since 2021... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/cardiac-killer-unexplained-spike

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You have to register your chickens?!

"Why yes, that way if we need you to 'Eat-Z-Bugs, we'll order you (under penalty of law) to kill all your chickens. And if you don't kill all your chickens, your fate will be worse than those posting anti-establishment Tweets!" - UK Government

This us absolute tyranny.

Are they going after dogs and cats next? Can't dogs and cats also carry diseases?

Don't think this is going to stop at chickens. Chickens are just first in the list.

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They’ll definitely be coming for cats and dogs next. It won’t be pretty. Dog and cat people are VERY protective of their canine and feline family members.

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From across the pond, questions…is it that the UK continues to vote for the people who are coming up with the ludicrous plans of all varieties and simply hoping for the best with their vote? Or is it something else getting these folks into office?

Because the solution is obviously to vote these kinds of idiots out of office. The US has had the problem of votes being stolen, manufactured, and manipulated which is difficult to combat. Yet, in the case of Trump’s election, the crush of voters was too big to fail and too hard to steal. Is that possible in the UK?

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I appreciate it's difficult for our American friends to understand what's going on in Britain and British politics. Imagine 14 years of continuity RINO government, with nominally conservative Republicans pushing socialist degrowth policies under the guise of MAGA, then finally being comprehensively rejected by a public who eventually wised up, but all that was on offer as an alternative was a socialist Democrat party promising 'change,' which then somehow got elected with a massive majority by securing votes from just 20% of the electorate and then rapidly accelerated the degrowth socialist policies of the RINOs. That's Britain right now - and there's no British Trump on the horizon.

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Thanks, that’s definitely descriptive and, sheesh!, a very difficult set of circumstances. My sympathies 🥺

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Great pic of Goblin Cooper. I can’t help feeling that things are going to get a lot worse before they ever get better. I said a while ago, it’s almost as if they are deliberately trying to wreak the economy. I said recently in the context of self-sabotaging Net Zero “They can’t all be that stupid”. If Starmer suddenly announces that what we need to get the economy moving is for everyone to sign up to a Digital Id, DO NOT COMPLY.

Maybe Donald Trump will come to our rescue. Maybe Reform UK can take a leaf out of his book on how to dismantle the deep state/green blob and the lawfare activism of the corrupt judiciary, as related in astonishment and delight by US attorney Jeff Childers: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/baptism-of-fire-tuesday-january-28.

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A bit of self-publicity: For contest on my “They can’t all be that stupid” quote and my warning on Digital Ids, see my latest email as posted (and nicely enhanced) by my friend Joel Smalley: https://metatron.substack.com/p/climate-change-and-the-corruption-494.

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Good piece, Jamie, but your Prevent statistics are wrong. Last year, only 13% of referrals were for Islamist extremism, while 19% were for far right extremism. Go figure.


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Ah yes, Prevent is already a politicised entity which doesn't reflect the reality that the vast majority of terrorist offences under investigation and those prosecuted are related to Islam. Thanks. I should have checked.

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Love it. Absolutely spot on, as ever.

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Think God for President Donald J Trump!

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