How do you normalise what is in effect very abnormal? In fact, how to normalise that which is terrifyingly abnormal in a free, fair, open and democratic society? Simples. You open Pandora’s Box whilst simultaneously shifting the Overton Window sharply to the left or right. You can dial back the Overton Window at your convenience any time you think it might cause unrest among the natives, but Pandora’s Box remains firmly open.
This is what has happened with the ‘Lab Leak Theory’: for most of the last 4 years, you’ve been an online far right conspiracy theorist - and quite likely a terrorism threat (if you have more than a handful of followers) - for daring to suggest that the evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 escaping (or even being allowed to escape) from a laboratory in Wuhan. But now the CIA have piped up following Trump’s formal swearing in as President and admitted what has long been bleedin’ obvious to anyone in possession of more than one brain cell - SC-2 was made in a lab and escaped (or was released). Hey presto! Dangerous, far right conspiracy theorists are not far wrong all of a sudden!
But you know, those same dangerous far right conspiracy theorists were also suggesting that the vaccine was not as ‘safe and effective’ as was loudly and aggressively claimed by the establishment and that the insanely coerced mass vaccination campaign and even vaccine mandates were in fact politically and/or financially motivated. That would get you shut down on social media in 2020 and 2021 and possibly entail a visit from Plod, even Plod working for a counter-terrorism unit waving a piece of paper saying your rights are thereby suspended. But it’s all cool now: Whitty, former Covid Witchfinder General in charge of ‘following the science’, now admits that ‘vaccine mandates were 100% political’.
When Sir Chris Whitty told the Covid Inquiry last week that the decision to make Covid vaccines mandatory was “100% political”, my jaw hit the floor.
Whoa! What about the government’s insistence that it was “following the science”?
What about informed consent? How could mandatory vaccination even be contemplated if the Chief Medical Officer was against it?
For anyone who’s blocked out the memory of the awful decisions the government too often took during the pandemic, let’s remind ourselves that care home workers were sacked if they refused to be vaccinated, despite the fact that the vaccine did not stop infection or transmission.
There was then a proposal, though later abandoned, thank God, for all healthcare workers to face the same mandate, again on pain of losing their jobs.
And for months it was seriously proposed that everyone in the country would be obliged to carry “vaccine passports” just to go about their daily business.
No wonder so many felt coerced. Yet, we now know, thanks to the interminably slow Covid Inquiry, that Chris Whitty was deeply sceptical about mandates.
There’s a reason it’s interminably slow; it’s so the state can shift the Overton Window to the right with each new damning revelation and not have the public up in arms about the violation of our human rights and the Nuremberg Code by lying grifters intent on imposing Schwab’s ‘new normal’ Great Reset whilst making a very handsome profit at the same time.
Whitty is not going to jail even though he just spaffed the contents of Pandora’s Box all over the front page of the Daily Express. The Covid public enquiry just normalised tyranny ‘for the greater good’ and now our glorious leaders will just dial back the Overton Window at their leisure until the next time they need to move it - like maybe now: Defra’s coming for your chickens folks.
I told you they would:
But it’s OK; they’re not locking down you and your kids and injecting you with novel, gene-based, ‘safe and effective’ untested ‘therapies’ to protect granny, they’re just doing that to your egg-laying chucks this time - and mass murdering them as an additional bio-security measure . . . . . because, well, they can. Tyrannical psychopaths gonna normalise tyranny under the guise of protecting us from dangerous pathogens. Which brings me nicely onto Mad Cow Disease:
Yvette Cooper’s Home Office is seeking to redefine terrorism to be more inclusive:
Diversity is our strength - except when too much ‘diversity’ is a weakness, in the Woke narrative. Because sadly, only 13% of people referred to Prevent are there because they show Islamic extremist tendencies, but in fact, 80% or more of police counter-terrorism investigations are related to Islamic extremism. It’s just not good enough; we need more far right, white supremacist terrorists being investigated and prosecuted plus more misogynists (as long as they’re not trans misogynists obviously). Hence Cooper and her team of lefty work-from-home civil servants are recommending a ‘rapid analytical sprint’ re. counter-terrorist measures:
The 'rapid analytical sprint' launched by Home Secretary Yvette Cooper in the wake of the Southport killings and the riots they sparked last summer also proposes a new approach to counter-extremism based on people's actions and the harm they cause rather than the ideologies to which they subscribe.
The Mad Cow is actually recommending that if you say nasty, hurty things online (about ‘alleged’ Pakistani rape gangs for instance), and in particular if you say nasty things about our Glorious Leader Two-Tier Keir, then you should be categorised as a potential far right terrorist:
It says there is now a 'more diverse' range of extremist beliefs ranging from anarchists and environmental protesters to those obsessed by school massacres and an online subculture of misogynists called the 'manosphere'.
It states: 'The range of extremist beliefs and ideologies individuals subscribe to is becoming more diverse, from Extreme Right-Wing to Islamist Extremism to Extreme Misogyny to Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Extremism.
'Additionally, school massacre and online gore subcultures and conspiracy theories, while not ideologies, can lead to harmful fixations on violence.'
But these are just ‘recommendations’ at the moment according to our Home Office currently afflicted by BSE in its upper echelon:
Last night the Home Office stressed that none of the 38 recommendations in the report have been agreed by ministers so far.
Oh really? I call bullshit on that. The consequences of the radicalised Home Office approach to terrorism are already starting to play out:
It’s not just Tommy Robinson getting arrested under counter-terrorism legislation now. Hundreds of ‘far right’ protestors and speakers of hurty words on social media currently serving long prison sentences is evidence that the Government is intent upon weaponising the judicial system to go after its political and ideological opponents. The diversification of counter-terrorist legislation is just another string in their bow. It’s just a shame that they couldn’t have diversified it sufficiently in order to snare Rudakubana during one of his three encounters with Prevent - because then they might have lived up to their billing and actually prevented the massacre of three little girls in Southport and the serious wounding of several others.
You have to register your chickens?!
"Why yes, that way if we need you to 'Eat-Z-Bugs, we'll order you (under penalty of law) to kill all your chickens. And if you don't kill all your chickens, your fate will be worse than those posting anti-establishment Tweets!" - UK Government
This us absolute tyranny.
Are they going after dogs and cats next? Can't dogs and cats also carry diseases?
Don't think this is going to stop at chickens. Chickens are just first in the list.
it's so "safe and effective" that heart conditions have increased worldwide by 40% since 2021...