Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Thank you!! I’ve been trying to put out these wildfires since Lahainatown was so sadly devastated and it’s an exhausting whack-a-mole!! I have no bias against sound “conspiracy theories” (That phrase strikes my funny-bone, but it’s true) — that are based on evidence — Lord knows!! But sheesh!

We’ve gotten so awake as the “conspiracy theories” became shocking fact, that we’ll accept ANYTHING that smacks of “conspiracy”, as fact! And use it as a premise for more mischief. We’ve once more taken leave of our healthy skepticism and discernment.

So glad I found you today. You have a new reader here!

Blessings to you!

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Thank you Dick.

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Definitely a good time to buy shares in tin foil manufacturers!

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The problem is that trust in information sources has been crushed. People are having to learn, or relearn, how to critically analyze data that comes from dubious sources.

Back to basics. Is the data self contradictory? Do the premises support the conclusion? Are the premises true? How do you know? What is the simplest explanation (Occam's razor)?

We need to support mental hygiene.

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I don't see it as a bad thing actually. What we're watching with the Hawaii fires is similar to flat earth theories or chemtrail stuff.

Normal everyday people are waking up to the fact that most of everything they used to trust are lies and bullshit. This is good in a way and a painful part of the redpill process.

Hell, I don't even know what the Hell to believe anymore on a lot of subjects.

But I think the approach is just calm rational discourse without taking a hardline one way or the other. We will all get stuff wrong in this empire of deceit, and that's ok.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

How long will we continue to argue over beliefs? I'm sure everyone has an opinion, about everything. Whether that opinion is grounded with fact, fiction or any number of fallacious appeals seems to matter little these days. So many of these comments start with a tidbit of truth, and then build layer upon layer upon layer of aggregate nuggets of information, held together with a cement of innuendo and rumor.

"We live in seriously messed up times. So many people have lost the ability to critically analyse situations and weigh up evidence."This factual observation is key to any real discussion these days.

Will we (those who are thousands of miles from this tragedy, as well as those who may have actually been a first hand witness to this) ever know all the truth? Most likely not. What we can do is stop trying to blame nefarious demons to satisfy our fears, and face the fact that we have allowed ourselves to become dependents of conglomerate culture. Maybe this is a wake up call to become more independent, less reliant, more responsible, less vocal and more resourceful. Ask questions and stop pretending to be experts with a degree from the University of the Internet.

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Well said!

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The drone footage showing all the mansions on the water side of the street perfectly intact and the other side of the street melted beyond recognition doesn’t give much credence to the “natural causes” theory...but whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

No, it is not that so many beleive in conspiracies, but that they are waking up to THE conspiracy...our government want's us dead or enslaved. Our govt is corrupt and incompetent, and is ruled by people we cannot see.

So I am giving them a break. At least they sense SOMETHING IS WRONG...finally.

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To satisfy the WEF Agenda where people don't matter to them. They are merely bodies in the way of their population control and depopulation plans.

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Officials in Maui are saying that most of the missing or unaccounted for persons are children. Why did the schools in Lahaina send children home to be by themselves right before the fires while parents were still at work? It's almost as if it was some child sacrifice ritual. Or, was it because if the kids aren’t alive, they can’t make a claim and fight for their parents’ stolen land when they’re old enough to do so.

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This just in from last night. 1/2 way thru vid he talks about a phone call. Intel.

Now today I just learned from another channel [YT Hustle Bitch] that 15 School Buses are missing. Did not know that til today. The School enrollment is 3,000 or so students. 2,025 are not in attendance. Please listen to the yt link from someone born and raised on Maui. He is reporting from Cal.

Someone called him from Maui who was very fearful to talk to him.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Extreme high winds and fire danger was my guess. The response to the fires was, however, disastrously poor, the communication ditto and the infrastructure failing. I blame in part a City, County and State government that’s been notoriously corrupt for decades. There are many questions needing answers. But second-guessing without some facts and knowledge of how things normally work in a unique place cannot give one well-reasoned questions — nor theories.

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It's very concerning that most of those missing are children. Why in God's name they were sent home from school I just can't fathom.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Very high winds from large North Pacific High system combined with the low pressure caused by the remote hurricane and the effects of the mountain accelerating the winds further.

Weather warnings from Honolulu on 8.6:


Why do so many people miss this?? It was never attributed, except secondarily, to the hurricane. Straw men galore.

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When governments roll out genetic bioweapon “vaccines” and force compliance that kills and maims people, conspiracists will conspire. Nature may definitely have played a major role but man might also have been a bit player.

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All I can say is, it's a pity that there weren't more conspiracy theorists around at the start of the Covid scam because it was pretty obvious, very quickly, that we were being scammed by the lockdowns and masks and then, when the 'vaccines' were rolled out, the extreme coercion/mandating of these shots should have sent alarm bells ringing like crazy in even the mostly mildly conspiracist-thinking individuals. But it didn't. Most complied. Now, when we have perfectly reasonable alternative natural explanations for events, increasingly the default reaction seems to be to invoke a government conspiracy using outlandish methods for which there is virtually no evidence whatsoever.

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As another commenter above noted, the fault for this is primarily all institutions & representatives of the Mainstream (government, news media, public health, doctors, scientists, academe, etc.) putting the world through a pandemic scam -- what do you expect when they hyperventilatingly report ANYthing else?

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

You’re singing to the choir, JJ.

Consider this collateral damage from the jab genocide. And yes, I was one of the original conspiracy theorists begging people not to get jabbed.

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Me too. I was labelled 'anti-science' for rejecting the experimental 'vaccine' hard sell and I will never get over the shock of being the ONLY person in a supermarket full of people not wearing an obviously pointless mask the day the mandates came in when 'Covid cases' had all but disappeared in summer 2020.

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Any comments on the people’s observations (I’ve seen photos) that blue objects - cars, umbrellas, awnings have not burnt even although surrounded by piles of ashes?

Although horrific to think about we know DEWs do exist. After the roll-out of a despicable medical treatment followed by gas-lighting of victims alongside excess deaths that no government body will even look at, I am at the point where I do believe that a certain element is capable of any atrocity much as a rational mind finds this uncomfortable.

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You would have to demonstrate, scientifically, that blue objects were more resistant to burning than other coloured objects, which would mean counting all examples of anomalous unburnt objects and summing up blue vs. other colours. Also, how many blue objects DID burn? We have no idea because they would be reduced to grey ashes.

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Or that there was a lot of torching going on and a blue roof was a signal to leave alone.

I don’t believe that either but there do seem to be - or have been - several sinister 20-somethings running around Maui menacing and harassing independent reporters post fire. Reminiscent perhaps of the activists in Soviet Russia sent to the countryside to destroy the kulaks and sequester their grain, an MO completely compatible with the current left wing governments in the US in Canada. Unlike in Europe where governments - local at least - are investigating the origins of the recent fires properly (and have of course largely concluded they were set deliberately) the US government seems uninterested in doing the same. It’s quite possible that those 20-somethings played a part in the fire. In any case, their presence, added to the deliberate suppression of the alarm system and water access by the “authorities” suggests there is something seriously wrong. Whether or not the colour blue is part of it is a distraction.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

Thank you. Do you have a link about the 20-somethings harassing reporters, please?

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I don’t unfortunately. I saw various versions on X, one was on Steve Bannon’s feed.

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Yes I agree that these are only observations and maybe the photos I have seen are biased or curated - but I would think that we would observe that there would be other coloured random objects unaffected by the fire. I honestly know nothing about lasers - physics was not my subject rather biology. I have seen (again I do not know whether this is genuine) where blue, yellow and red pieces of cloth are subject to a laser. The yellow and red scorch but the blue doesn’t. Maybe akin to light and how certain colours are absorbed by certain wavelengths.

I believe that there is more to all of the past three years than any of us understand. I don’t think we’ll ever know a fraction of what had been going on. All any of us can do is speculate.

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Also, cars. Are there a lot more blue cars in Maui/Lahaina than other colours?

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Actually, there are a lot of blue cars there. While taking care of my 90yo mother who had dementia, every time we’d pass a blue car she’d remark, “There’s a blue car” (!). This was in Lahaina. But, of course I have no way of knowing whether there are any more nor less than anywhere else.

I hope people do remember that photoshop is a thing. ANYTHING visual can be falsified. There may be a conspiracy to make us fall for all these conspiracies surrounding this fire. Lost in in the rabbit warren.

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My friend's mother has advanced dementia. One thing I noticed is that she is acutely aware of details about the world around her which most of us don't even bother to register.

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We have to be VERY careful before coming to conclusions nowadays. There are a lot of bad actors out there and a lot of bad thinking which bad actors are always willing to exploit.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Yes. We seem to be witnessing something here driving a narrative, polarizing an already fragile and vulnerable situation. I am coming to think that is exactly what is going on here. That that is the real DEWs etc. Sparking & fanning cognitive wildfires while the flames spread and flaming embers travel one upon another, person to person. That, I’m thinking may be the real “conspiracy” here. Exploiting people’s learned distrust.

And it’s reaching beyond the unhelpful to the perilous.

Thank you for all your great work. Cognitive fire fighters are most needed now.

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