Mar 3, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

The Bureau said f Meteorology in Australia has just announced this summer was 0.07 degrees above average temperature. I’m 70 an this would have to be one ☝️ f the coolest summers in my memory lmao.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023Author

There are many people who insist that solar radiation management via injection of stratospheric aerosols is already in progress globally. The so called 'chemtrail conspiracy theorists'. 'Just look up,' they say, 'we're being sprayed like bugs'. I have to admit that this is one conspiracy too far for me. I consider it rather more likely that the aircraft involved are almost always commercial airlines and that the trails produced are predominantly frozen H20 (water crystals). Also that these 'contrails' are more likely to result in net warming rather than cooling. Now we're being scared by the prospect of the UN and others giving the go-ahead for actual stratospheric injection of aerosols. It's a complex subject and a very emotive one and you can end up treading on a lot of toes trying to make sense of it all. So I just might do that in a forthcoming post!

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99% agreement with what you said, except that the usual practice seems to be to have secret trials of a new theory, (spraying to block the sun) get actual data, then submit the proposal to the funding agency. I really do not generally believe that “they” are conspiring to bring on the next ice age when words like “stupidly, foolishly, and spitefully” adequately describe their behavior.

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I'm pretty sure that these megalomaniacs have been carrying out unauthorised open air geoengineering trials for years; I'm just not convinced that there is a world-wide stratospheric spraying operation going on in plain sight, though I am always open to the possibility that there is, having seen what they've done over the last three years.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

The CSIRO in Australia has admitted they are engaged in this technology.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Hum, record cold in Antarctica, record snows in California, record cold in North America, Europe, Siberia, China. Kinda makes ya question the Gorebull warming Narrative.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023Author

Exactly. It's not just this little corner of the planet. It's unusually cold in many places and yet these maniacs are talking about making the planet even colder by injecting sulphur aerosols into the stratosphere. It sounds like they won't be satisfied until they have propelled us into a new Ice Age.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Um, how many billions (trillions) did we just spend Globally to clean sulphur dioxide out of everything from domestic open fires to gigawatt power stations to stop the acid rain - and now these nutters want to start pumping it back in again?

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