Fact check- the German ecomony is not going tits up cos of renewables- it's cos of deindustrialisation in favour of the US, the US blowing up NS2 and selling the EU expensive LNG and the crazy policy of trashing (renewable) nuclear energy. The US would rather bankrupt Germany than see it an ally of Russia. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/update-on-farmers-protests-it-was?utm_source=publication-search

Get you facts straight dear.

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Fact check -

which part of

"The fact is, the German manufacturing economy is going tits up because of the obsession with renewables and the insane decision to close down zero carbon (it’s not about the climate) nuclear power stations."

did you not understand?

Yes, renewables too have played their part in the destruction of the German (manufacturing) economy because they have pushed up the price of electricity, thus making it difficult for German manufacturers to compete against foreign companies manufacturing the same goods abroad using far less expensive electricity generated from coal and gas.

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Sep 12Liked by Jaime Jessop

Back in the 1960s when I was studying engineering in Bradford the Northern textile industry was importing thousands of rural Bangladeshis.

The cats in cities vanished practically overnight, the immigrants had no conception of pets and regarded them as food.

They didn't understand the concept of water closets either and tore them out and slung in the gardens and back yards of the terrace houses where they lived literally by the dozen, three to a bed, sleeping in shifts.

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Sep 12Liked by Jaime Jessop

I think they also benefit from French nuclear generation on the European grid.

Maybe Twitter will ban them for interfering in foreign elections.

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Sep 12Liked by Jaime Jessop

In just four lines the German Foreign Office has made a fool of itself twice. Firstly, the 50% renewables figure refers to German electricity generation, not overall energy which is almost certainly something like 80% fossil fuel. Secondly on eating domestic pets, Trump was referring to gangs of Venezuelan immigrants which are being allowed (by the Democrats) to run amuck in Denver Co.

You might also say, if you are a green fanatic, that their 2038 date for getting rid of all coal is hopelessly “ungreen”. The UK is set to close down our last coal power station this year!

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Good on war mongering friend of oligarchs Donald 'We stole the oil. We stole the oil. We stole the oil.' Trump.

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So Germany is not green. So how come going green somehow trashed their economy? Which is it?

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I didn’t watch all of the Trump debate and managed to get the Venezuelan gangs in Denver wrong. The pets are “reportedly” being eaten by Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio as explained by US attorney Jeff Childers: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/toothless-thursday-september-12-2024.

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Sep 12Liked by Jaime Jessop

We all know the truth about those who protest their virtue too much.

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