May 9, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Last sentence... Ouch!πŸ˜‚

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I have a friend who welcomes all of this. He cheers on the idea of lockdowns and enforced travel restrictions. Yes they do exist. I don't know how he got so broken but I suspect it was his lifelong wage slavery... It's wild to take in.

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With friends like that, who needs enemies?

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May 6, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I had a foretaste of this back in the mid-sixties when I spent a short time behind the Iron Curtain, in Hungary in fact.

The first thing I noticed upon reaching the border was the elaborate precautions such as barbed wire dividing corridors of raked sand, minefields and dog runs punctuated by goon towers with searchlights and machine guns.

It was highly noticeable that these precautions were not to keep downtrodden Capitalists like me out but to keep the Hungarians in their Socialist Workers' Paradise..

One day when he was sure he wouldn't be overheard a Hungarian remarked "you can always tell the Communists, they are the ones in the big black cars".

And now here's me believing we won the Cold War...

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It's hard to know if these mass delusions are engineered and/or nudged by hostile outside forces, or some kind of upwelling of madness that emerges from time to time. These are certainly interesting times. We're being impoverished by the day, as "inflation" or more accurately the loss of value of fiat currencies, steals our savings, and the state appropriates more and more to itself, to distribute to its loyal subjects. I'm sure I'm not alone in having lost all trust and faith in systems of government and regulation; I struggle to believe that I could ever have been so foolish and naΓ―ve. I now instinctively assume that I am being lied to by anyone in a position of authority or "expertise". Where do we go from here? I'm at a loss.

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Fools the BS will not stop!! The evil of this is its ok for us to live in mansions fly lear jets eat caviar but you common people get to walk live in tiny houses while eating bugs πŸ›

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May 6, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Sounds like a great opportunity for an enterprising Frenchman to sell some β€œart” from his laser printer and gift the purchaser a paddle pool as a token of his gratitude.

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