Jan 13, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

You nailed it Jaime! I still can’t forget the video you included where Bridgen is speaking to a roomful of empty seats.

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Looks like it is backfiring - this has got vaccine injury front and center in the msm

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Former Israeli prime minister Bennett is a stalwart of the WEF.

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I remember seeing on Twitter a video of a frantic Israeli woman whose daughter was forced to fight off army officers who were trying to inject her with the vaccine. Her daughter was a young recruit in the Israeli Defence Force and army personnel woke these 16-17 year old recruits in the early hours of the morning, when they were at their most vulnerable and demanded that they all be vaccinated. This woman's daughter managed to refuse, but only by physically having to fight them off of her. Forced medical experimentation upon Jewish children basically, even those who signed up to defend the state of Israel. But Andrew Bridgen is an anti-Semite for highlighting the massive harms of the vaccines? This corrupt, lying, rotten, murdering government is beneath contempt. They are cockroaches.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Yes, this is all very disturbing and despicable. At the time I could not quite believe that of all the governments in the world it was Israel who were first to impose such strict jab mandates on their population, and effectively treat them as Pfizer's labrats. It's very sad but predictable that the pharma whores are now going after Andrew Bridgen.

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