Jul 24Liked by Jaime Jessop

LOL. Freaky!

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Jul 11Liked by Jaime Jessop

What amazing parallels between the two videos and the two astonishingly destructive scams of the Jabs and Ruinables! We are truly in Orwellian territory.

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


Despite 30 years of real evidence from every corner of the world which anyone can see with their own eyes- that onshore wind, offshore wind, solar--any of the Ruinables--lead to massive increases in what consumers pay for electricity, these grifters simply double down on the doublespeak. The wind is free! The sun is free! Don't believe what you see in your power bill, trust "The Science and the Experts". You have lying eyes! Don't believe the naysayers! They are just deniers and schills for Big Oil! Don't worry that you are impoverished now-think about what the average temperature of the earth will be 80 years from now.

The deceit is astonishing!

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I’m not sure it’s malign intent. It’s greed pure and simple. Have you ever seen the videos made by people on pyramid selling schemes - you too can have a beachside holiday home, a Ferrari, and international jet set lifestyle’. She is selling another pyramid scheme with herself at the top and the tax payer at the bottom.

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Miliband just blocked all new gas and oil exploration licences, including those already submitted, thus ensuring our future reliance upon imports (either that or the country comes to a standstill and the lights go out). His actions will demonstrably cause massive harm and will curtail economic growth in the UK, for no benefit whatsoever. I'm not convinced that malign intent does not play a huge part in what's happening.

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are these individuals malevolently insane or do they really believe the lies and nonsense?

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That is a very good question and it's hard to know the answer for sure but for some of them at least, the evidence that they are acting with malign intent rather than a delusory belief that they're saving the planet is very compelling.

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Jul 9Liked by Jaime Jessop

Gosh, something's really tickled these ladies' fancies, hasn't it!

I don't think there's much that anyone can do about the propagation of mis/dis/mal-information. We just have to let the poisons hatch out and take the inevitable kicking from reality like so many have already from the Covid nonsense.

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This snake oil poison threatens to decimate manufacturing and heavy industry, decimate our way of life, make us totally reliant upon foreign countries for back up energy, materials and finished products and, last but not least, decimate our natural landscapes too. Effective or not, I shall continue to rage against these monsters who, through an unholy combination of stupidity, greed and downright malice, threaten to destroy the country I was once proud to have been born in.

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Jul 9Liked by Jaime Jessop

A surprisingly good analysis of Labour’s Net Zero plans by Fraser Myers of spiked: https://climatechangedispatch.com/as-brits-struggle-with-net-zero-costs-labour-plans-to-accelerate-unpopular-green-schemes/

He thinks that Starmer and Miliband are in such an eco-chamber bubble as to have deluded themselves into thinking that their program of eco-austerity is going to be a hit with the public!

After all these years and decades of telling them that NZ is totally infeasible and pointless, at least we’ll have the consolation of watching them crash and burn over the next five years (if not sooner).

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It's a good article. Miliband's intention to hammer the proles with even higher leccy bills seems unlikely to stem the rise of 'populism', or democracy as it used to be known. It's the 1970s on steroids.

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Jul 9Liked by Jaime Jessop

Along with big food to kill chickens and cows and put you on GMOs for the rest of your shortened life span.

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