These big health charities are incredibly corrupt and basically part of the pharma industry. They get the public to donate money, which goes towards funding pharma's development of new products, which if successful they (the pharma industry) then get all the profits for.
In the USA this Monday I was greeted with 3 "sudden" deaths over the weekend of 2 middle aged employees and one 21 year old daughter of another. The girl was in nursing school in the US where they force needle rape anyone participating. Over the past year there have been 11 more unexpected deaths of middle aged employees including 5+ rapid cancers that often killed within a couple months.
It just seems like an unstoppable avalanche now. Excess mortality rates are increasing in many, many highly vaccinated countries. Germany's excess mortality was 37% in the penultimate week of 2022. 50,000 excess deaths in 2022 in the UK, but the ambulance drivers are on strike today for more pay.
Jaime - in your Substack post of the 16 Dec 2022 you said:
“…the ‘Right Honourable’ cockroaches couldn’t be arsed to turn up” to Andrew Brigden’s stunning speech.
In fact, the ‘Right Honourable’ cockroaches actually did turn up to parliament that day. In the slightly longer version of the YouTube video of the event the camera starts about 15 seconds before the speech commenced. In that preliminary view, the cockroaches can be seen scurrying from the chamber in great haste in order to not be present while Andrew Brigden exposes the reality of the man-made catastrophe. I thought that the unholy rush to the exits was absolutely disgusting. I hope that the British electorate sanitises the House of Commons at the next election by ejecting these unworthy cockroaches from public life.
I note that the same situation prevails in Australia. When one of the very few senators with guts challenges the official narrative about ‘Safe & Effective’ injectables, or speaks out about the plight of the ‘vaccine-injured’ – the Senator invariably finds himself addressing a near-empty chamber.
The events of the last three years have exposed the very low quality of political representation that exists in Australia, the extent of the deception carried out by people in the corporate media, and the incompetence (or malfeasance) of the public health bureaucrats who authorised the use of the toxic injectables and banned alternative treatments. In addition, the collective credibility of the medical profession as a whole has also collapsed as a result of their decision to remain silent about the harm being caused. I am of the view that as the long-term adverse health effects of the mRNA injectables becomes more and more apparent in the coming years, public anguish will demand that many of these failed human beings be held to account. This whole man-made tragedy has a long way to run.
The American Heart Association also claims that Covid infections cause a greater risk for myocarditis than the vaccine. Heartless is the perfect moniker for these lying bastards.
What’s really sad is that universities won’t even do studies that aren’t pharma approved, but in the rare cases where they make a discovery by accident, they refuse to be ethical and release the information. Add to that, the fact that governments and regulatory agencies refuse to release data on vaxxed vs unvaxxed and we’re left with a completely distorted view of reality.
I take some solace in the fact that the dam is breaking wide open. I really feel like we are close to the tipping point where the vast majority no longer trusts government institutions, pharma, corporate hospitals and doctors, and MSM. At that point maybe we can clean house and usher in an honest, ethical system. Though it might be less of a ‘house cleaning’ and more of a ‘burn it all to the ground’ scenario.
This is what has happened as a result of the great privatisation movement. Capitalism is supposed to be part of democracy, not having capitalism replace democracy. I’m in Australia, and all areas of welfare have been privatised along with research. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Privatization only works when there are clear cut standards. We have privatized county jails and prisons that are well run and more affordable in the US. Even school transportation is privatized to companies. When politicians are invested ie own stock in companies like pharma, and military/defense and the incomes of these government officials are directly connected to contracts we get corruption. Poor services and government corruption go hand in hand when politicians pad their wallets with dark money and by passing legislation to bring home the bacon. Sorry Julie, but understand we are all in this boat. It will take a lot to cure the real pandemic of corruption.
Totally agree, corruption in s rife. When it comes to health having the fox minding the henhouse is deadly . BUPA was a failed multinational company in UK . There they privatised disability pension to BUPA 2400 people in the 1st year committed suicide within 6 weeks of having their benefits randomly cut off. They have privatised both g numbers of aged care beds in Australian to BUPA . Recent reports despite billions of taxpayer massacres net is that 7/10 nursing homes are at risk of going broke, and despite a royal commission many are massively underperforming. Any area of privatised welfare - disability, mental health employment and training all dysfunctional. It’s depressing to see a once great country go down the toilet.
These big health charities are incredibly corrupt and basically part of the pharma industry. They get the public to donate money, which goes towards funding pharma's development of new products, which if successful they (the pharma industry) then get all the profits for.
In the USA this Monday I was greeted with 3 "sudden" deaths over the weekend of 2 middle aged employees and one 21 year old daughter of another. The girl was in nursing school in the US where they force needle rape anyone participating. Over the past year there have been 11 more unexpected deaths of middle aged employees including 5+ rapid cancers that often killed within a couple months.
Booster season I presume....
It just seems like an unstoppable avalanche now. Excess mortality rates are increasing in many, many highly vaccinated countries. Germany's excess mortality was 37% in the penultimate week of 2022. 50,000 excess deaths in 2022 in the UK, but the ambulance drivers are on strike today for more pay.
Jaime - in your Substack post of the 16 Dec 2022 you said:
“…the ‘Right Honourable’ cockroaches couldn’t be arsed to turn up” to Andrew Brigden’s stunning speech.
In fact, the ‘Right Honourable’ cockroaches actually did turn up to parliament that day. In the slightly longer version of the YouTube video of the event the camera starts about 15 seconds before the speech commenced. In that preliminary view, the cockroaches can be seen scurrying from the chamber in great haste in order to not be present while Andrew Brigden exposes the reality of the man-made catastrophe. I thought that the unholy rush to the exits was absolutely disgusting. I hope that the British electorate sanitises the House of Commons at the next election by ejecting these unworthy cockroaches from public life.
I note that the same situation prevails in Australia. When one of the very few senators with guts challenges the official narrative about ‘Safe & Effective’ injectables, or speaks out about the plight of the ‘vaccine-injured’ – the Senator invariably finds himself addressing a near-empty chamber.
The events of the last three years have exposed the very low quality of political representation that exists in Australia, the extent of the deception carried out by people in the corporate media, and the incompetence (or malfeasance) of the public health bureaucrats who authorised the use of the toxic injectables and banned alternative treatments. In addition, the collective credibility of the medical profession as a whole has also collapsed as a result of their decision to remain silent about the harm being caused. I am of the view that as the long-term adverse health effects of the mRNA injectables becomes more and more apparent in the coming years, public anguish will demand that many of these failed human beings be held to account. This whole man-made tragedy has a long way to run.
The American Heart Association also claims that Covid infections cause a greater risk for myocarditis than the vaccine. Heartless is the perfect moniker for these lying bastards.
What’s really sad is that universities won’t even do studies that aren’t pharma approved, but in the rare cases where they make a discovery by accident, they refuse to be ethical and release the information. Add to that, the fact that governments and regulatory agencies refuse to release data on vaxxed vs unvaxxed and we’re left with a completely distorted view of reality.
I take some solace in the fact that the dam is breaking wide open. I really feel like we are close to the tipping point where the vast majority no longer trusts government institutions, pharma, corporate hospitals and doctors, and MSM. At that point maybe we can clean house and usher in an honest, ethical system. Though it might be less of a ‘house cleaning’ and more of a ‘burn it all to the ground’ scenario.
This is what has happened as a result of the great privatisation movement. Capitalism is supposed to be part of democracy, not having capitalism replace democracy. I’m in Australia, and all areas of welfare have been privatised along with research. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Privatization only works when there are clear cut standards. We have privatized county jails and prisons that are well run and more affordable in the US. Even school transportation is privatized to companies. When politicians are invested ie own stock in companies like pharma, and military/defense and the incomes of these government officials are directly connected to contracts we get corruption. Poor services and government corruption go hand in hand when politicians pad their wallets with dark money and by passing legislation to bring home the bacon. Sorry Julie, but understand we are all in this boat. It will take a lot to cure the real pandemic of corruption.
Totally agree, corruption in s rife. When it comes to health having the fox minding the henhouse is deadly . BUPA was a failed multinational company in UK . There they privatised disability pension to BUPA 2400 people in the 1st year committed suicide within 6 weeks of having their benefits randomly cut off. They have privatised both g numbers of aged care beds in Australian to BUPA . Recent reports despite billions of taxpayer massacres net is that 7/10 nursing homes are at risk of going broke, and despite a royal commission many are massively underperforming. Any area of privatised welfare - disability, mental health employment and training all dysfunctional. It’s depressing to see a once great country go down the toilet.