Thanks for summary!! Still think there is more to OWS from Trump. Someday hope to know whole story.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

The infamous UK banning of hydroxychloroquine happened on 25 March 2023, two days after the initial lockdown (“3 weeks to flatten the sombrero”, yeah right), paving the way for Emergency Use Authorisation of the vaccines, see https://www.gov.uk/government/news/chloroquine-and-hydroxychloroquine-not-licensed-for-coronavirus-covid-19-treatment.

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Banned until we get the predetermined results of the fake Recovery trials.

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Excellent post and a keeper.


"Trump didn’t know enough virology to be able to single-handedly defeat Fauci, Birx, the CCP, the Democrats, Big-Pharma, FBI corruption, The Lancet, and the CDC. Especially true while he was fighting two impeachments. and the entire media and deep state, and numerous other lawsuits. But his gut instinct to shut the border was spot on. His instinct that those who spoke of HCQ were right was accurate and brave. His withdrawal of funds from the culpable WHO was better than any other western leader.Also he advocated States Rights, and did not advocate forced injections. Trump did over trust, yet he was desperate to keep his global economic success going, and was watching it being destroyed.

The US GEBs (working closely with the European GEBs,) appear to be maniacally desperate to harm Russia, precisely perhaps because Putin won’t play their One World GOVERNMENT games. And Trump was a beacon to all nations to also not play their “Rule the World” games, and exercise strong self interest. Keeping Trump and Russia apart appears, in retrospect, to have been the deeper benefit of the “Russia Russia Russia” manufactured attack on Trump. The number one goal was to remove Trump and an independent nationalist USA, and two, aligned with that goal, keep the nationalist US and nationalist Soviet Union apart, punish them, and you crush Nationalism everywhere.

Trump’s economic success, and beacon call to rational Nationalism made his removal necessary, made Covid 19 ( almost certainly a man made manufactured crisis) necessary. And Trump’s success was massive and growing! He had China begging for talks they had at one point refused, India was fully aboard, Mexico was cooperating, Asia was cooperating, Eastern Europe was cooperating, anti "indiscriminate immigration" ideology was growing, bilateral and tri -lateral trade deals were rewriting global trade, with the number one economy and super power in the world, a strong USA. Canada was being dragged , against their will, to the trade table. Even North Korea was bowing to the Trump doctrine. It took Covid 19, two illegal Impeachment attempts, and “Russia Russia Russia” to stop Trump, and the world from getting on board his train of rational Nationalism.

Controlling a nation is so 20th century passe, just as corporations are global, ruling the world is so tantalizingly close. Breaking a few eggs to make the One World Omelette, now means destroying National Sovereign ideology. Trump's desperation to fight this, and an unfortunate trust in "science" led to the vaccines. His continued support is somewhat unfathomable. Yet I tend to support those they hate the most, and they hate and even fear Trump.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Mostly agree. Just wish he’d either disavow the jabs or shut up about how great they are. But, credit where credit is due.

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He needs to show contrition now and a bit of humility, not just double down on what was obviously a huge mistake. The American people will embrace him if he does.

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I agree, yet who has shown the grit he has in the mist of relentless attack? I am in a holding pattern on DeSantis, there is much to like, and some question marks there as well.

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We've got a war of words between DeSantis and Trump and there are people who swear that DeSantis is the Devil incarnate and now, just to make things even more interesting, we've got Robert F. Kennedy Jr. trying to drum up support for the Democratic nomination. He's been great on resisting the vaccines and exposing the role of the Deep State/military industrial-pharmaceutical complex, but he cut his teeth as an enviro-lawyer and he's convinced the imaginary climate crisis is real!

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Yep, RFKJ is for me a non starter, as he does not even comprehend in the least that the very same WEF crowd that brought us COVID and the shots, operate and perpetuate the CC agenda, or that a large central government is always doomed.

For me it is between Trump and DeSantis, and I think that time may clarify. I do understand Trump's almost desperation to use the vaccines to end or shorten the lock down, and I cannot imagine DeSantis, or any other political figure, having done anything different throughout that period in regard to the shot development. (It was global)

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Been saying this for a while.

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For those wanting to follow this trail, I have over a hundred articles on the topic, some organized here:


This rabbit hole is deep, but there were enough of us documenting the digging of the hole in real time that anyone interested in educating themselves can.

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Thanks Mathew. I've added an update to this post ref. your March 3rd 2021 post.

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This one may help people decide the "Trump good/bad guy" question:


I have my own opinion, but mostly take the approach Jaime seems to, which is to present the information, and let people make up their own minds.

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Providing a “vaccine” so that it is available for those who desire it is not a bad thing and is a far cry from mandating it. He is justifiably proud of being able to remove bureaucratic road blocks to get what he was told by people whom he should have been able to trust was needed to get out of the pandemic. A great many doctors were also fooled or complicit in the lie and Trump is not a doctor. To properly assess his performance during the panic, we need to look at his actions through out his presidency. What were his motivations compared to those of his highly paid government advisors, Fauci, Birx et.al?

I personally do not blame him. Who, beside the paranoid believe the whole world is out to get them? How could anyone in his position believe that his own government who are legally bound to either follow his command or remove him would go against him as they did? Who in his position would believe that international agencies such as the WHO and the governments of “friendly” nations would all be in on it? Who would do as well as he did under such opposition? It is my belief that none would have at that time. After the fact, when we are seeing just a little of what they were doing, I hope there are now many who have learned the lesson but I doubt very much that there was a single other person who at that time could have performed as well as Trump did.

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This is very accurate, thank you for posting it. I shall pass it along.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Here's something crazy to think about- In 2024, it might actually be the same two horrible choices as in 2020. In light of Biden doing absolutely everything possible to destroy America and burn the Constitution, we'd almost be forced into voting for Trump. It gives me a chill to consider.

At the same time, there's a possibility that it could be a choice between Robert F Kennedy Jr and Ron DeSantis! For a health freedom voter, it's too perfect to even think about. But we can still dream.


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Unfortunately RFKJ is a non starter, and a big supporter of Global Warming, unaware that it is run by the same WEF crowd. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Big Government got us into this.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I think he is caught between a rock and a hard place now...why the hell did he ever sign Operation WArp Speed?

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