Nov 26, 2022Liked by Jaime Jessop

Nice take! I haven't watched the film because I have heard that it had several already debunked facts in it. That it was muddying the waters and giving people a way to say that everything the health freedom movement is working towards must also be misinformation (that word has really lost its meaning IMO). But after reading your newsletter, maybe I'll give it a watch.

As far as the battle of good vs. evil, my understanding is that physicists are about to prove that the universe is a virtual reality, a digital simulation. We are consciousness. The world that our senses tell us is "real" is a construct that began with the big digital bang and once the simulation was stable enough to evolve life forms that could provide us with choices, we began using them as avatars. The Larger Consciousness System (God) set all this up so that we would have the perfect place to learn and to grow, and thus speed up the evolution of the consciousness system of which we are a part. Jesus was sent to us to help us understand that our purpose (the way to evolve the quality of our consciousness) was to get rid of fear and ego and to become loving, compassionate beings.

I find it fascinating that both creationism and evolution are the truth. That God did, in fact, create everything that we perceive, but that the big bang was simply how it was done. No longer do we have to choose to believe in EITHER science or spirituality. The battle for the soul of humanity between decent, loving people and the globalists who wish to enslave us is, indeed, the battle of our time, but in the big picture, it is simply the challenges that this era provides for us to learn and to grow. The reason it's incredibly important is simply because we don't want our God given classroom to be a horrible dystopian nightmare.

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