Thanks again for an insightful article. I found it odd, that, most of what is discussed seems so familiar. Then, I realized that I had the opportunity to interact with several, more mature, visiting scholars from China. I noted back then that they were quite different from other Chinese colleagues and friends that was outside of China. Their cultural attitudes were replaced by a strange set of Mao dictated behavioral patterns. I have observed that, in general, the Chinese have maintained many of their cultural practices and identity in many parts of the world, even as many of them have successfully become a part of the new cultures they have been embedded in. So, this stark difference, was a surprise. I then did a little research into Mao's China and found a systematic infusion of fear (public humiliations) and ill conceived plans that were usually couched in their great leaps forward. The people were reduced to a caricature in one generation despite the millennia of cultural heritage they have. I am glad to see the differences seem much less evident in the current generation. I have hope that this type of mind control has its limits. I hope I will get to read this book, it is not on my must read list as of yet. I am such a slow reader.

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it's strange how some people are largely immune to the psyops and can see through the scams, mostly natural sceptics but not all - I know a few climate sceptics who were taken in by the Covid scan.

For no particular reason I'm reminded of The Day of the Triffids when only the lucky few who had their eyes covered weren't blinded by the lights in the sky.

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If, as Dr Nehls argues, there is a biological/neurological basis for the brainwashing that we've seen, then it does seem logical to theorize that the brains of those who were largely immune to the relentless Covid propaganda/psyop are wired slightly differently from those of the majority. Whether that is a result of Nature or Nurture (many switched off the TV, for instance, years ago), or a combination of both, is a question we should be seeking to answer.

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Thank you for pulling all that together for me.

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Thanks for this post as I might have missed this important story here in sunny Lanzarote.

The good news is that these revelations will help to defeat all their evil machinations.

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Everything in modern society seems to be set up to toxify our bodies and brains, and make us more compliant. The water, the food, the toothpaste, the sunscreen, everywhere you look the health advice we are given is 180 degrees wrong. No coincidence.

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#ClimateScam #NetZeroBS

The masses are waking up and tuning out.

“Mass Greta-style hysteria can only be kept going for so long before the disillusioned audience tires of the effort and walks down the mountain muttering disobliging comments about the latest false prophet.”


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It is interesting to consider how the communication revolution of the Internet which made possible the authoritarianism attempted by these obnoxious organisations is also the very reason why they will collapse as rapidly as they sprung up

Hopefully, someone somewhere is taking names....

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A little fear porn, mix in some spike protein and viola!

Instant drone sheeple.

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Musical instruments aside, I think you meant 'et voila'. :)

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Nov 29, 2023
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The problem with modern society is that it has numerous non-human pest control experts who will deal with infestations promptly and efficiently. But we have no human pest control experts, hence these parasites have infested every nook and cranny of our human society and its institutional structures, and now they are worming their way into our brains.

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