Great, I can't even reply to comments on my own Substack now because of some ridiculous software error on the Substack website! Is anyone else experiencing this?

This is a reply to Da Hughes' comment below.

With respect Da, you are just doing what the climate alarmists do: advance a theory without providing the evidence to back it up, beyond 'just look up'. I've posted quite a few graphs of historic autumn, summer and winter rainfall in Wales, plus a list of intense rainfall records over short periods. Can you point to where recent rainfall clearly exceeds past natural variability, thus suggesting that there must be some other cause for the increase in rainfall?

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I live in South Wales. If there's a dry day between the beginning of October and mid-December we start to believe in the End Times. The country doesn't provide almost the entire water supply to Birmingham and Liverpool by accident.

There is clearly weather modification taking place; it's almost comically obvious to anyone with flexibility in their neck. It's not a stretch to say the concentration of rainfall is a deliberate strategy to justify the alarmism.

Another factor is the removal of dams and weirs - in the case of the Pontypridd flooding, that of the one on the Taf Fechan around Merthyr Tydfil, which experts predicted at the time could have the kind of consequences which came to pass last weekend. Ponty is in effect the meeting point of four rivers (although the two Rhondda rivers converge a few miles upstream, and the Cynon has its confluence with the Taff at Abercynon, also a little upstream), so is especially vulnerable to any such modifications.

There is virtually no heavy industry here any more, and despite the best efforts of flatulent cattle and Mr Jones with his Morris Minor, even on its own terms the CO2 fraud is absurdly inapplicable to these events.

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The disappearance of your facts is the worrying fact.

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Don't let the facts spoil a good story. All this so called climate science is actually a religion, and you can't argue with a religious zealot.

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My eyes tell me that we do have exceptional levels of rainfall. My eyes tell me that the sun is being dimmed. Farmers are telling us that 2023-24 has had most productivity decline for a very long time. Listening to scientists who are not grant dependent tells me man made climate change (as sold to us by the climate alarm choir) is a hoax. Looking more deeply into weather manipulation / geoengineering / solar radiation modification etc tells me that this is long game murder by the UN. https://ia601605.us.archive.org/35/items/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier.pdf

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It's not always a good idea to rely only upon your eyes.


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This response tells me a great deal! Thank you for the clarification

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I welcome challenges and debate Deborah. Please post data which demonstrates "exceptional levels of rainfall" or that "the sun is being dimmed." Personal observations are not always a reliable guide to reality.

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Jaime at her championship best. Picking her punches and achieving the perfect knockout in round 1. The climate Alarmism is a paper tiger when confronted with facts.

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Since challenging the Storm Bert hype on 'free speech' X with facts, ALL of my tweets and replies have been hidden and my tweet impressions have nose-dived. Isn't that strange!

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In short; It’s the weather!!

Or if you prefer: The whole point of science is to challenge the science.

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Jim Dale is usually on GB News whenever there is any remotely interesting weather. It's quite fun watching Bev Turner laughing out loud at his outlandish assertions. Now John Kettley is a much more stable commenter on such things, to be fair. "It's just weather..." is often the gist of his reply. Old school.

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The Met Office have basically confirmed that there is NO evidence for an increase in extreme rainfall.

"The number of days where rainfall totals exceed 95% and 99% of the 1961-1990 average have increased in the last decade, as have rainfall events exceeding 50 mm. Both these trends point to an increase in frequency and intensity of rainfall across the UK. However, the variation in rainfall from year to year is still large, highlighting the importance of considering long-period natural variations.

Because current trends in extreme rainfall are within past natural variation, it can be difficult to isolate effects on our longer-term rainfall due to human influence by looking only at the observational record. A study using high-resolution climate models predicts that the influence of human-caused climate change will likely not be seen clearly in short-duration (hourly and shorter timescale) extreme rainfall trends in the UK until at least the 2040s for winter and 2080s for summer."


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