Very sad, 😢I was a big fan of Paul O‘Grady, he had had heart attacks before the plandemic, but every friend I have ( mostly over 65 ) has seen a sudden and severe worsening of their symptoms relating to previous health issues.I personally was unable to function normally for more than a year after the Pfizer Booster in UK.I previously had perfect health.

One friend,6 x migraines, others, more severe herpes breakouts, a blood clot in eye, neurological issues,,balance issues, brain fog, etc, etc.

We know The Bradford Hill criteria has reached 10 /10 ( Dr Jessica Rose) only 5/10 needed to prove correlation can identify causation.These so called coincidences are constantly happening you are right,Thank You for fighting for awareness relating to every victim.❤️

The Medical / military industrial partnership has truly cast aside any previous "first do no harm"ethos.

We must all, every day try our best to wake up our fellow humans.I was trusting regarding the NHS the BBC,and the "science", a totally politically naïve woman.NOT ANY MORE.🤯🤬

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So sorry you were conned by those people Helen. I despise them so much for their lies and the deliberate harms they have inflicted upon countless people.

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I saw my extended family last weekend for the first time in many months. They are all lunatic Dems who are fully vaccinated to the max. They see sickness all around them and never stop to ask why. I see the same thing at work in an extremely liberal city. They just don't get it. They have disowned me and treat me like someone wearing a tinfoil hat because I question the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. (I have also become a hardcore Republican which my "we welcome everyone" Democrat family members and co-workers hate.) The frustrating thing about it is that I had a very serious adverse reaction to the one and only covid vaccine I took two years ago. Most of my family and co-workers have had covid, some multiple times. Yet, they still think it's safe and effective. People don't even believe the things that they are seeing with their own eyes.

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It's unbelievable isn't it. Hard to understand what goes on in these people's minds. Are they genuinely stupid enough to still believe that the vax is safe and effective or have they entered a state of extreme cognitive dissonance in order to avoid admitting that they allowed themselves to be deceived into being violated with an experimental gene 'therapy' which has destroyed their immune systems and will probably eventually kill them. Not just once, but twice, even three or four times.

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I suspect that it's both. Some people will forever refuse to admit that they were conned by the "experts" whereas others are too ignorant to even know that's the case.

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Television’s Dr Ranj was left fuming as he accused one user of “exploiting a tragedy” when they suggested Paul’s death was related to the vaccine.

The user wrote: “How many more people need to die ‘unexpectedly’ before we suspend the mRNA jab knowing that it’s a significant risk factor for sudden cardiac death. Enough now! ENOUGH!”

However Dr Ranj was furious at the speculation and hit back. He raged: “Seriously?! Are you kidding me?! Exploiting a tragedy like this, when you have absolutely no evidence, isn’t just unprofessional, it’s low.”


Come on here and get furious Dr Ranj. I'd love you to. We can see how your furious indignation at the mere suggestion that O'Grady's death was linked to the 'vaccine' matches up to the cold fury of hard facts.

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Waxing lyrical about getting the jab: https://www.entertainmentdaily.co.uk/news/paul-ogrady-says-getting-covid-vaccine-was-a-doddle-as-he-delights-fans-with-news/

then despite being vaxxed he got covid really bad


Interesting that they aren't saying anything about that.

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The most pertinent quote about his recent bout of covid: "I just felt terrible with it. I’ve never slept so much in my life. I’d had all the jabs, but it just finished me off."

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Yes, says it all!

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Should have said: 'I'd had all the jabs, so it just finished me off'.

Sounds like he was boosted at least once, maybe even twice. Tragic. He won't be walking any dogs now and they'll miss him terribly.

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Depressingly predictable.

He shared: “Eddie’s [his dog] not very happy about being locked in on Tier 4. My cousin is a nurse, all leave is cancelled and she’s working hellish shifts as the COVID cases keep on rising.

My dogs were never locked in. They got two hour plus long walks every single day of lockdown. I asked their opinion and they both said, simultaneously 'screw those fascists!'

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Your dogs have been rather forthright in their opinions during this whole charade. I loved making this meme (I forget her name)...


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That's Alfa (Romanian Alpha). Yes, they've both guided me well through all this nonsense. I've relied upon their good sense (and teeth) throughout! :)

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Same here in the USA in a deep blue retarded state, we never "locked down".... Had a spouse working daily with coof patients too... It was always such obvious nonsense for healthy people.

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"even of O'Grady's age". I was expecting you to say he was in his 80s or something! 67 is not old enough to be unexpectedly succumbing to COVID if you're otherwise healthy!! Jab got him for sure. Surprised there's no footage of him somewhere dancing and singing its praises?

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Hiya, I thought that what we all knew is that covid is a phantom- all we have is the (non specific) PCR and the LCP (now know as end of life care but still involving midazolam and deliberate dehydration) https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid

Paul O' Grady and others were killed by the lie (still being promoted it seems) that there is a coronavirus disease one needs jabs to prevent unexpected succumbing to as much as by the lie that the jabs are safe. It makes me very angry.

His body was valiantly trying to deal with the toxins he kept injecting himself with, one of ways it does that is to stimulate dead tiredness ' I have never slept so much', and with mucus, inflammation and fever.

I really liked him- 'The best Nancy ever!' Here he is being fabulous with the a rather ravishing Julian Clary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ3fffu3pt8&t=51s

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We could ask Chat-GPT if was vaccinated?

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I'm sure there is somewhere. Most celebrities were brainwashed into promoting the jab. Many were actually paid to.

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