Yep they are trying to create reverse racism, we already have a voice to parliament by some other name funded to the tune of $2billion/ yr.. last census they were 2% of the population, now they are 4% even the genuine aboriginals claim there are probably 300,000 fakes. They get all the perks and advantages. According to our woke federal government we are going to be so powered up we will attract industry and export green energy to the world. LMAO

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Just watch what’s going to happen to Australia in the next two years- labour is in power here in cahoots with the greens. No new coal, gas and a ban on nuclear with plans to blow up around four of our coal fired power stations before 2030 starting this year. Pol Pots year zero here we come. The plan is to beat every other country to the bottom . All unicorns and pixie dust .

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Australian politicians think they can re-invent the Aboriginal Dreamtime - with 'sustainable' knobs on.

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Fantastic article, thank you

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There is always one key takeaway point in every essay, the pithy summation, the final word. The critical reader need mearly look for it:

Ah, here it is. Well done Jamie

"It's all a farce, and it always has been a farce, pie in the sky, cloud cuckoo land thinking from fanatical Greens and climate activists."

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Five times the transmission infrastructure in the next five years...

All you have to do is look at the "Smart Meter" rollout fiasco to see what the chances of that are.

The population will reluctantly put up with this crap while their kids are reasonably warm and fed.

When they aren't, there will be Hell to pay.

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I just added a postscript to this post, which is highly relevant.

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On the other side of the pond the badder and madder continue to rule with an iron fist. https://www.energy.gov/articles/how-were-moving-net-zero-2050

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"Climate Change" is a HOAX to IMPLEMENT UN "SMART CITIES" and Confine People to Restricted Travel (probably 5 to 25 miles depending on location) BTW: Wear Your Mask, LOL!!!

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My if we follow the climate change muppets we’ll almost Become woke citizens.

Climate change is utter bollox always was and always will be.

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Paul Homewood also provides his usual trenchant take on Warner's nonsense:


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"Using data from Imperial College London"... uh oh!

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Jeremy Warner and his Telegraph sidekick who are paid to promote the climate change scam are in an awkward position. He finally feels obliged to point out the bad news that Net Zero is technically impossible, which grown-ups could see back in 2008, but at the same time he does his usual looney tunes saying “But we fail to participate in the coming energy transition at our peril” and “Be that as it may, the energy revolution is coming. Already, there is unstoppable global momentum. The UK can either be at the forefront of it, or left trailing at the back …”

As usual I’m conflicted as to whether they are all mad or bad. Mad if they ever thought Net Zero was possible or bad because the globalists who pay them are pushing Net Zero for the Malthusian ulterior motive of deindustrialisation and population reduction.

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We ARE participating in an energy transition. Coal use has declined dramatically and oil and gas consumption is also declining. Wind and solar now contribute significantly to electricity. I see no good reason why they should decline further though and I definitely see very good reasons why so-called 'renewables' should not be expanded. Fanatical Greens think fossil fuels should decline to zero in the next couple of decades. Warner is hopelessly conflicted. He's impaled on the fence.

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Thank god I don't live in England. We made the correct decision in 1775 and wasted our blood & treasure in 1940-45. Pathetic

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Now Biden wants to finish the job by dissolving US constitutional sovereignty and handing it over to the WHO.

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I'm happy to be at the back.

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Keep this up. Scream it from the rooftops. It is RIDICULOUS on its face....and the numbers back you up.

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