Au contraire. He is supposed to swear an oath to us to uphold our laws and customs

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My children and I have decided to face our bottoms towards Windsor and let rip at the required moment, pardon the vulgarity.

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Better than swearing even. A great way to get the family involved.

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I suspect Charles is really the anti-christ. We swear oaths only to God.

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There are so many current contenders for the Anti-Christ that it's hard to know who to pick.

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There can’t be anyone that still falls for this royal rubbish, can there? Maybe an 80 year old or two, still living in the distant past. Still wondering how they maintain the illusion. But then you realize after the elaborate send-off for the queen, that there’s a lot of people that have no clue and no life and the royal family myth gives them something to partake in.

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I suspect a lot of the ardent royalists who paid their last respects to the Queen did in fact pay their last respects to the Crown.

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The Crown? I’m an American. Does the crown mean the thing on her head? Or is it something else? Seriously confused.

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The Crown is basically the British state apparatus and all its institutions, with the reigning King or Queen at its head.


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Ah, thank you. I can’t really relate to that. Not a fan of state apparatus and institutions. But I guess to each his own.

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I swear allegiance to Sir Jimmy Saville's best mate and the WEF....


No thank you. Vive la Republic...

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