The grant chasing alarmists also neglect to add solar irradiance into their manipulated models - the hoax is strong in some, especially when a few million dollars are up for grabs

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Great idea. I am sure removing all this water will not cause massive droughts and famines? I am sure they would have tested for that first?

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The whole chemtrail idea is far bigger than just dehydration of the atmosphere. Where I live in SW UK it appears the planning to dim the sun by making what seems like eternal cloud cover. Just yesterday when I woke at 6.30 the sk6was beautifully clear. Then I noticed the first few 'trails' and by 9am the sky was a blanket of depressing greyness. And it is truly depressing. But then I do like a good rabbit whole to peer in to. Man openly tinkers with things it has very little understanding of, because of what? Money in the form of grants and profits. Nothing else matters. #followthemoney

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Liked by Jaime Jessop

This is in line with what I've said since I was a young kid. Volcanoes release more "greenhouse gasses" than multiple decades of automobiles -- all at once, but nobody taxes the damn volcanoes!

Also, nobody will say what the ideal average temperature for the planet "should" be. Everything "Climate Change" is based on deviations from some magic temperature that nobody will define.

Similarly, they can't say at what point it becomes too hot, to where food production would actually be effected, instead of people just growing some southern crops a little further north. There is always talk of rising sea levels and other scary sounding events.

We all know that It's been much hotter and much cooler than it is right now -- long before the industrial revolution, and everyone is still here.

I think it's for these reasons that people are starting to realize that "Anthropogenic Global Warming," "Climate Change" and whatever other man-caused nonsense they will come up with, is a scam.

Any company can say, "We didn't release X amount of carbon over the past 5-years because we spent billions of dollars in climate friendly upgrades. We're saving the planet!" Then... a volcano erupts, and undoes more than 100-years of said "progress" -- by all humans combined. But nothing really changes climate-wise does it?

Again, nobody is taxing the volcanoes. 🤣😂

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Mar 17Liked by Jaime Jessop

Here’s my conspiracy theory. They are performing various acts of geoengineering to supposedly suppress global warming so that when the AMO cold phase global cooling starts (coming some year soon), they can say: “See, our techniques are working”.

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Mar 17Liked by Jaime Jessop

The Science.org extract says “According to one study, a possible jump in stratospheric water during the 1990s may have boosted global warming by up to 30% during that time”. I doubt it. The more obvious reason for the global warming over that period is that it was the sun wot did it, because of naturally reduced global cloud cover: https://clivebest.com/blog/?p=5694.

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Mar 17Liked by Jaime Jessop

Quite right to have a dig at the alternative media Chris Morrison piece in the DS for going on about the El Nino without mentioning Hunga Tonga. I doubt if it was deliberate suppression. I set him right in the comments! Maybe he was only looking at the ongoing high ocean temperature which are baffling other scientists: https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2024/03/17/scientists-dont-know-why-oceans-have-warmed/.

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