10 hrs agoLiked by Jaime Jessop

At least we have a proposal for what NZ2030 could be but lets see if Millibrain accepts that or pushes back on it. Of course realisation of even 95% is utterly impossible even based on the buildout plan they have now. Millibrains wanting to go hell for leather on Solar is also madness no sun no power and in even in dark winter months its efficiency is even more diluted vs high summer.

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"Conversely, there will be days when Great Britain generates far more electricity from renewable energy sources than it can use or store, so there are likely to be greater exports to neighbouring countries."

i.e. neighbouring countries experiencing exactly the same weather so they also have a surplus and, big brain moment, not need our unreliable overpriced shite.

"In 2023, electricity exports from the United Kingdom amounted to 9.45 terawatt-hours, down from 20.8 terawatt-hours one year prior." [Statistica Jun 24)

As a financial strategy until 2030 I shall therefore be betting the house each time on non league outfits when they are drawn in the FA Cup against the Big 6 Premier League teams because 'there will be days' when a giant killing happens. Maybe by then I'll be able to afford a heat pump that 'generates 3 times more energy than it consumes.’

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jaime Jessop

We can't even consume what we can produce now with massive amounts of energy constrained off in Aug/Sept this year at vast cost because the transmission system can't move the power to where its needed.

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Oct 2Liked by Jaime Jessop

Another day in upside-down-and-backwards-stan.

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O/T but by a process of elimination I’ve just established that the bought-and-paid-for Daily Telegraph automatically removes any comment which asserts that CO2 is not the control knob of global climate, no doubt at the bidding of some billionaire green philanthropath.

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I and plenty of others regularly manage to ridicule the CO2 myth in the DT comments! In fact, 95% of the reader comments there are 100% sound on this issue!

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Jaime Jessop

Oops, silly me. The auto withdrawal seems to be due to the word "knob", even in parenthesis! "Control mechanism" is accepted

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It's to protect Mr Milibean from harsh criticism!

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They're ALL mad!

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Not as mad as the public are going to be when they are left in the dark and the cold this winter, or the next, or the next after that . . . . .

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Presumably he’s including nuclear as a ‘clean power source’.

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Old nuclear plants are being retired, SMRs and Hinkley C now not due to be up and running before 2030. It's going to be a disaster.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 3Liked by Jaime Jessop

They haven’t a hope in Hades of reaching grid decarbonisation of 95% by 2030, or 90% or 80% … Certainly not without causing major blackouts. They are just playing us along.

I used to do an annual analysis of UK and world energy statistics by fuel type but I skipped it this year. The last one I published was back in 2020. It showed that UK primary energy fossil fuel dependency was around 80% and I doubt if much progress has been made since then.

Paul Homewood did an analysis of world energy statistics back in June which showed the utter pointlessness and infeasibility of Net Zero: global fossil fuel dependency 81%, global wind and solar supply of total energy 6%: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-climate-scaremongers-proof-that-our-net-zero-drive-is-pointless/

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Here's my take on Net Zero and the Eco-maniacs, from this afternoon: https://substack.com/@jamesross101/note/c-70969138

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