The Conservatives in their recent budget do at least seem to be grudgingly accepting that Net Zero is a fool’s game. But they’re still tinkering around the edges. Net Zero legislation (the Climate Change Act 2008 and Theresa May’s statutory instrument amendment) needs to be repealed entirely in order to prevent further damage to the economy and to society:
Alas, that’s not going to happen any time soon. Now we have the terrifying prospect of a Keir Starmer led Labour government becoming a real possibility at the next general election. I’ll be voting for the Heritage Party but most British voters are still moronically and stubbornly attached to the two party system, believing that they can get real change by voting either Labour or Conservative. What is it going to take to convince them that they are just two pimples on the same arse?
So anyway, Andrew Neil challenged Labour shadow minister Jon Ashworth on Net Zero electricity generation. This was the utterly cringeworthy result:

Give Hollywood its due; they predicted exactly this type of scenario in 2006:
‘Net Zero has what plants crave’.
Actually, it doesn’t. What plants crave is CO2. Satellite images prove that the rise in atmospheric CO2 since 1950, supposedly attributable in its entirety to human activities, has greened the planet considerably. Plants love CO2. But apart from that, Hollywood’s Idiocracy was an uncannily accurate prediction of the Net Zero Idiocracy. I just can’t figure out which actor in the above clip best exemplifies Jon Ashworth.
Global Young Leader WEF Kier Starmer getting into power is terrifying. We will have our own Trudeau.
“If the Labour Party could be bullied or persuaded to denounce its Marxists, the media - having tasted blood - would demand next that it expelled all its Socialist and reunited the remaining Labour Party with the SDP to form a harmless alternative to the Conservatives, which could then be allowed to take office now and then when the Conservatives fell out of favour with the public. Thus British Capitalism, it is argued, will be made safe forever, and socialism would be squeezed of the National agenda. But if such a strategy were to succeed… it would in fact profoundly endanger British society. For it would open up the danger of a swing to the far-right, as we have seen in Europe over the last 50 years.”
Tony Benn
It must be noted that the old Eurosceptic left were not wrong about European integration as it has transpired although I'm sure they did not envisage the fraud that would be perpetrated to march in lockstep towards Globofascism 4.0.
Europe is itself split on this with the G7 powers and WEFfers on one side (with anglo-sphere sacrificial lamb Poland) and the other former Eastern bloc resisting totalitarianism as they have a more recent memory of end stage 'communism'. How that develops will be interesting.
All eyes back to finance this week coming however as can kicking Western FIAT may have reached the end of the road...