Here in Hertfordshire it’s 2 jumpers on in the evening and sometimes a blanket too to keep comfortable. Still, got to remain cheerful - Mr Millipede will soon be in charge of our heating systems so all good.

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Jun 14Liked by Jaime Jessop

South Lincolnshire, cold and wet on the whole. The fire hasn't been aloud to go out. We are visiting the coal ( replacement ) yard regularly.

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Same here in Cumbria. No point in me moving back to The Wash then!

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Jun 14Liked by Jaime Jessop

No! :) There is often that chilly little wind blowing in over us from The Wash. We are not far from the windmills of Bicker.

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Jun 13Liked by Jaime Jessop

If it's hot or dry it's "global boiling"; if it's cold or wet it's "climate breakdown"

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Belgium here. Freezing our butts daily.

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Jun 13Liked by Jaime Jessop

Personally I hope the Catastrophisers do claim June was well above average..... because the previously ambivalent public start saying "you're having a laugh" I've noticed recently people calling out the May bollocks. So I say.... bring it on as it's a better weapon than the convos we try and have to convince them that there is no crisis.

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I'm going to keep a close eye on the CET anomaly to see how it gets translated from strongly negative atm to probably positive over the coming two weeks. This is how they sneak in their 'hottest ever' and 'warmer than average' narratives and I'm very suspect of the data which goes into compiling those averages when they are in such stark contrast to the public perception of the weather.

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Jun 13Liked by Jaime Jessop

I wish that I had as much confidence in the British public as you. A few days of continuous sunshine in late Summer and June will be a distant memory. The Met Office, BBC and their Nutty Zero apparatchiks will eagerly restart the "climate crisis"; the sheeple will nod in agreement because "it's bloomin' hot init!"

I recall enjoying a few balmy days in October last year. Whilst out, I bumped into a neighbour and remarked how lovely it was. She frostily retorted "but it's not supposed to be happening, this is climate breakdown in action."

I'm not sure how I contained my rage. She is a graduate by the way!

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Oh dear. You need to read the Daily Mail comments next time they publish a climate story. That might restore your faith a little!

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Jun 13Liked by Jaime Jessop

Thank you for replying Jaime. I have to confess that I do read the Comments section of the Daily Fail on occasion; I concur that they are overwhelmingly roasted over their climate hysteria.

However, my joy is somewhat tempered by the Comments

on the BBC website. Usually the same climate "report" but the views largely supporting the narrative. In fact, insisting that harsher measures be implemented and at a faster pace. The charitable view might be that these are in fact astroturfing insertions by bots.

Five years of Nutty Zero implementation under Labour might knock some sense into the useful idiots like my neighbour.

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They will still blame it on climate change...

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Jun 13Liked by Jaime Jessop

Bloody freezing up in the Yorkshire Dales, 3 deg C a couple of nights ago - in June...

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At the end of the month, they'll tell us June wasn't as cold as we thought because we couldn't really have experienced such cold nights as we thought they were because we were asleep at the time!

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Jun 13Liked by Jaime Jessop

Just lit the woodburner here in balmy Somerset...

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Jun 13Liked by Jaime Jessop

Our central heating has been on for an hour or two most days this month. Even the BBC has a piece on its website today acknowledging that June has been cold so far, though inevitably the article finishes with a reminder of how hot last summer supposedly was.

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No doubt last summer it would have been climate change. This summer it's 'just weather'.

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