Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

They just arrested 160 murderous shitbags in Greece on arson charges. So we've clearly got a worldwide terrorist effort here involving thousands of shitbags which requires massive funding and logistics.

And crickets from the Pravda media....

Now it still could be space rays or Aliens but my $$$$ is on 3 gallon backpack sprayers and diesel.

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Another subscriber jumps ship. Some people really don't like facts, especially when they get in the way of a good story.

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All of the far out stuff, like DEWs, are brought up to make those who questioning the narrative seem foolish.

Most people consider energy weapons to be science fiction. They have been made, but they're not needed to burn a place down. Hell, they've been raising towns since ancient times.

Same goes for the nanotechnology robot assembly in the vaccines. You don't need all that to poison people.

The place was definitely torched -- on purpose. The strangest part is that the Maui police chief, John Pelletier was also involved in the response to the Las Vegas massacre in 2017. Really, how likely is it for the same person to be linked to two different tragedies? What are the odds?

Also, everyone was queued up, ready to "Build Back Better" and blame the fires on Climate Change.

Stacked coincidences are *not* coincidences.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Fire #1 (morning fire), ignition source powerlines, check.

Fire #2 (afternoon fire), ignition source undetermined, check. Probable causes, arson (either intentional or negligent), or a rekindle*.

A rekindle is just what is sounds like, a fire that re-emerges from a fire previously believed to have been extinguished. Fires are rarely ever 100% cold, when authorities declare them "out". And with the winds recorded from that afternoon, I would lean more towards this possibility, a single small area of smoldering heat, easily missed during mop up, fanned and then transported across the control line by strong dry winds. But as always, the capacity for human malevolence will always remain.

As to the surviving structures and complexes, quite understandable. Most government buildings are built to very different standards than the average low to middle class residence, not to mention the business district where most of it was built pre-building code. Given that gov't buildings are categorized with a higher suppression priority due to their need for infrastructure, command and control integrity, could also explain why they survived, and others did not.

In studying how and why there are failures in emergency management, we often used the analogy of several random layers of Swiss cheese, from different blocks of cheese. When stacked together the holes typically do not line up (disaster averted). But occasionally, the holes from different slices do line up, and catastrophe ensues.

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Notwithstanding the fact that HECO have motivation for suggesting that it was not re-ignition of the morning fire which was caused by their downed power lines, they do state that they were on site at 2pm by which time the fire brigade had left, declaring the fire to be extinguished. They state their workers noted no smoke, or fire or embers, then a second fire ignited nearby at 3pm. The fire brigade could have been mistaken, the workers may not have noticed smoke or embers, but it does sound like there was a separate source of ignition. It will likely be difficult to prove either way though.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

"The fire brigade could have been mistaken (I have seen this many times, from some of the best), the workers may not have noticed smoke or embers (it isn't the utility employee's job, or expertise to find remaining heat sources.), (Campfires, lightning fires and small embers can smolder undetected with no smoke or visible flame for weeks, and a slight gust of wind will reignite it. I have seen light smoke wafting up through three feet of snow, from a fire the summer before. Fire is a curious thing.) ... but it does sound like there was a separate source of ignition (which an ember blown over the control line would be.). It will likely be difficult to prove either way though."

This is how it will most likely end, unresolved.

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I'm sure the empty space will be filled with plenty of conspiracy theories.

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By strange coincidence, I asked John Leake to look into this just yesterday. Now we have a definite answer.


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Thanks for asking ??s This may also help for a greater understanding.

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Interesting drone footage. To my untrained eye, it looks like a town incinerated by an out of control fire, but not totally incinerated, because wind driven wild fires work in mysterious ways. I note the house with the RED roof left standing on its own surrounded by the burned out remains of neighbouring houses.

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