It gets crazier. In his desperation to flog us ‘Green’ heating systems and reduce domestic emissions in order to comply with Net Zero legislation, Mad Miliband is now reported to be considering the installation of hybrid gas and electric heating systems in homes:
Says the Telegraph:
Millions of homes may have to be fitted with a heat pump and a boiler under Ed Miliband’s bid to decarbonise the UK.
The Energy Secretary’s department has unveiled plans to establish “alternative hybrid systems”, where households can use a heat pump to warm their homes but retain a small gas boiler to make hot water.
Officials are examining the plan amid growing concern that many people will never be able to replace their boilers with a heat pump because their homes are too small for the hot water storage cylinder needed for showers and baths.
Crazy. If you’re going to do this, you might as well install a proper hybrid gas/heat pump system instead, as a single unit. It’s called a gas powered heat pump and, guess what? It’s more efficient than the electric version and it’s a lot quieter, because it doesn’t use a noisy condenser unit situated outside, to annoy your neighbours. The Robur K19, suitable for domestic use, is an innovative gas powered heat pump which is a lot more efficient than a gas boiler and will do a much better job of heating your radiators and water in winter than an equivalent electric heat pump, because it has no problems heating water to 65-70 degrees C.
It doesn’t even need mains gas - you can run it on LPG. What’s not to like? If this idiotic government was offering a generous grant to install one of these little beauties even I might be tempted to take up the offer, not because I would be ‘saving the planet’ but simply because in the long run, it would reduce my gas heating bill.
I should just point out that even with a gas absorption heat pump, you will still need a hot water tank, so it doesn't solve the space problem, but the Robur K18 is designed for an option to control an additional gas boiler if hot water on demand is required. The government's plan is to install two completely separate systems - an electric heat pump and a gas boiler. Also, with an absorption heat pump, you won't need to fit expensive new radiators.
You can't expect members of the government to understand anything more complicated than filling in their expense application forms.