Jun 27Liked by Jaime Jessop

“We’re starting from an area of deep, deep uncertainty,” said Zeke Hausfather

So much for "the science is settled", eh Zeke?

Have you lot been telling us porkies for the past few decades then?

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Jun 27Liked by Jaime Jessop

Let’s hope that if Gavin and his chums are still pretending to be baffled by the unprecedented 2023 global warming spike following the massive Hunga Tonga undersea eruption and in the face of a weak El Nino, someone at AGU24 (American Geophysical Union) will call out their obvious BS. Looking at bodies like CO2 Coalition or even our own GWPF.

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Jun 27Liked by Jaime Jessop

If these people insist that the only cause of modern climate change is anthropogenic with little or no natural contribution, how can they explain the fact that the earth’s temperature also significantly changed in the pre industrial period? By their logic the temperature should have been broadly static.

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No problem Paul, they just conjure up the Hockey Stick graph on steroids:


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Jun 27Liked by Jaime Jessop

The whole idea of temperature anomaly is dumb and ad hoc. There are far better ways to analyze time series data. It is trivial to show that "anomaly" can show an increase in temperature even though the overall trend is 0, or even negative. Until they scrap this anomaly index, I cannot take anything climate scientists preach seriously.

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Jun 27Liked by Jaime Jessop

I was under the impression that China and India had been increasing aerosol emissions over the past few decades and especially more recently (https://energyandcleanair.org/publication/chinas-new-coal-power-spree-continues-as-more-provinces-jump-on-the-bandwagon/) by throwing up ever more coal-fired power stations.

The Physics of gases tells us that the atmosphere has reached saturation as far as CO2 is concerned so adding more of it isn't going to significantly bump up the temperature (https://panocracy.substack.com/p/panocracy-72).

If aerosols reduce temperature and adding more CO2 doesn't increase it then explaining the 2023 'spike' is going to require, I dunno, either an unusual natural event that dumped a pile of another greenhouse gas into the atmosphere or some other extreme anomaly whose impact has been completely missed.

My guess is that the climate models will be tweaked to fit the anomaly by including new, previously unsuspected, sources of doom. Just like the pre-Copernican cosmology with its epicycles. And then everything will be OK again. The grant money will continue to flow. This process will continue until millions or billions are dead from the cold at the start of the next ice age.

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Jun 27Liked by Jaime Jessop

So. NO warming on leaving the LIA, the coldest period in thousands of years.

Well, II guess only idiots would expect it to warm when leaving an Ice Age.

Unbelievable claptrap.

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