Sep 29Liked by Jaime Jessop

I bet they figured no one would check their work or have the knowledge to recognize the obvious “misinformation”! 😂 “They” think we are truly stupid sheeple.

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A local pal of mine lived in an expensive new built with some sort of communal ground source heat pump and he said it was fine.

That said, the reality is that heat pumps are just not suitable for many of the older houses that most people live in. When the SNP tried to bully and threaten homeowners into installing a heat pump, they were blasted by one of their own advisers and even a heat pump supplier said that some parts of Scotland were too cold for them to work, except in summer: https://jaimejessop.substack.com/p/heat-pumps-will-work-just-fine-in.

The Home Energy Scotland Scheme achieved just 2,000 installations during the whole of 2023. Hardly a roaring success: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/09/21/first-heat-pump-humiliation-then-wood-burner-backpedalingth/.

Why do DESNZ want us to adopt heat pumps (and EVs)? They never say we need to stop using fossil fuels because their supply is finite, they only ever say we must do it do it to reduce CO2 emissions. They have no justification for taking this stance because there is clear scientific and empirical evidence that rising atmospheric CO2 will cause negligible global warming (but will be very beneficial for agriculture and forestry). Net Zero is doubly pointless when undertaken unilaterally as we are doing and is triply pointless because it is technically infeasible.

Good luck with trying to tweet them into changing their minds!

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It's obvious why they want us to install electric heat pumps (along with compulsory smart meter). It's so they can control our access to heating. EVs control our access to personal transport. It's all about control. I actually have no objections to heat pumps, installed properly and sensibly, in the correct setting. I would gladly fit a highly efficient gas absorption heat pump (GAHP) because they are more effective than electric heat pumps, a lot quieter and they don't give the government control over your heating, because they can even be run on bottled propane.


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Alan unfortunately missed out the alliterative k - Khmer Rouge!

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So lying and fabricating to the taxpayer is "confusing people"?


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Even the correction is nonsense what does "3 units of heat for 1 unit of electricty" even mean here?

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Measured in kWh. So, for example, to pump the equivalent of 3kWh of heat into your home, it will only take 1kWh of electricity.

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Sep 28Liked by Jaime Jessop

They don’t answer to the laws of thermodynamics but rather to the laws of nudge. The first law of nudge is that it’s OK to tell lies if it’s for the greater good.

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