Jul 2Liked by Jaime Jessop

Are these politicians mad or are they bad? I think most of them are mad (and bad). They appear to have swallowed hook, line and sinker their own BS propaganda which gets constantly drummed into them by the globalist-paid-for MSM.

These mad politicians are mere puppets to the bad (and mad) globalist overlords who are using the pseudo-science of alleged man-made global warming as a pretext to run down the Western economies. Look at the scale of de-industrialisation they have achieved already. Their ulterior objective seems to be to impoverish and enchain the populace sufficiently (probably via digital id rationing technology) to ensure that they cannot rise up in rebellion.

Many of us have tried to warn the people that they were being horribly abused, with no apparent success, such as this: https://metatron.substack.com/p/debunking-the-climate-change-hoax.

I fear that the populace has brought this upon themselves through a mixture of misplaced trust, gullibility and careless inattention to the growing threats to our wellbeing and freedoms. All we have to look forward to now is watching Labour’s inane endeavours crash and burn.

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I wrestle with this question constantly: mad or bad, bad or mad? Both, probably. But which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The only thing we can conclude with any certainty is that there is a significant element of malign intent involved in the implementation of the Net Zero agenda. Just as there was with Covid. It's not all, or even mostly an insane, ideologically driven cock-up; it's conspiracy, a conspiracy to destroy western industrialised economies and wind back the clock on centuries of progress. Anybody who denies this is just not looking at the evidence. Ed Miliband is thick as a brick sandwiched between two short planks, AND he's batshit crazy, AND he's uniquely malign.

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Jul 2Liked by Jaime Jessop

“Wrestle” is a good word in this context. It’s hard to accept that there can be so much gullibility, stupidity and malign tyranny in our midst but it seems to be the sad truth.

In my comment I alluded to Covid without mentioning it. That was when the globalists showed their evil true colours and all our puppet politicians (bar a very few) went along with it. The public were too busy with bread and circus day-to-day preoccupations to cotton on to the crimes that were being perpetrated against them. I’ll plug the Reiner Fuellmich Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity mock trial one more time: https://metatron.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmichs-grand-jury-court.

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If we forget about the vexed question of motivation for a moment and define evil only by actions and the consequences of those actions, then we are deep in the midst of a very powerful evil which threatens only chaos and destruction. Many might disagree. I'm not sure even I agree with that simplistic definition, but it is workable and useful in some respects, because motivation and intent can very rarely be clearly discerned.

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'Cold' Fusion (LENR) will make a comeback. This will be the future. It's happening and can't be stopped... IMO

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I thought that turned out to be a fraud. Must admit though, I haven't read much about fusion recently. So many false horizons over the years.

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I've realized that seemed to be a massive Disinfo - Cancellation event. I would follow/look up Bob Greenyer's work with http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/en/

His work with Mass Spectrum Analysis showing modern alchemy basically (I can't properly describe it) it's amazing.


And Malcolm Bendall has been inventing a type of Waste Energy Recovery Retrofit System based on some of this. It really does seem to be transmuting exhaust and increasing efficiency.

He is and will be attacked but work is moving on with tests being done all over.

https://www.strikefoundation.earth/ Open sourcing it all and asking others to test/confirm.

Anyway...it's happening now, although it already has been done in the Black world IMO.



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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Jaime Jessop

There are several new massive offshore Atlantic wind farms being currently built near me in the USA off of Block Island NY.

We sail near and through them all the time and the scale of this nonsense is hard to imagine. There are thousands of people working 24x7 on these oil-rig platforms dotting an entire stretch some 30 miles long.

Maintenance issues on land based windmills are bad enough... the cost of maintaining these monsters in the deep Atlantic year after salty stormy year boggles the calculator.

Wind driven salt in temperatures from 0F degrees to 90 degrees... That must chew up electronics and wiring....

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Jul 1Liked by Jaime Jessop

Great summary Jaime - indeed, our inept, incompetent Energy Ministers are taking us on the road to ruin

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Milibrain is interviewed in the Guardian. I haven't yet mustered up the stomach to read it.


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Jul 1Liked by Jaime Jessop

God help us indeed!!!! These idiotic muppet politicians will have us back in the dark ages before u know it and just before the lights go out they’ll suddenly realise how dumb they’ve been!!

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