Oct 25, 2022Liked by Jaime Jessop

Some of us have known for many years that the reports put out by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) are works of politicised fiction. The political skulduggery of painting man-made global warming to be a major problem when it is nothing of the sort is comprehensively debunked in a recently released 40 minute lecture, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqWv26PXqz0.

This lecture by Dr Roger Sheahen covers the work of two leading scientists, Professor William Happer and Dr William van Wijngaarden and is surprisingly easy to understand. Although entitled “Methane, the irrelevant greenhouse gas”, it covers the entire spectrum of greenhouse gases, not just methane, and very helpfully explains the fundamental errors in the UN IPCC’s modelling of greenhouse gases.

Unlike UN IPCC climate models which have always exaggerated global warming, the calculations of these scientists show stunning agreement with actual satellite measurements over hugely different areas of the earth’s surface (see 15:00). Their calculations show that a CO2 atmospheric concentration level of just 50ppm (parts per million) achieves almost the same greenhouse gas warming effect as the current level of about 420ppm and that a doubling from the current level would make negligible difference. This is due to the well-known saturation effect (explained at 9:00 and the following slide).

This explains why the Earth did not turn into a hot, waterless planet like Venus 750 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 levels were at 7000ppm.

Their calculations also show clearly that the greenhouse gas warming effects of atmospheric methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are negligible.

Dr Sheahen concludes “There is no climate emergency” and says that it is pointless trying to “decarbonise” the world economy to get rid of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, or to stop eating meat to avoid methane emissions from cattle, or to stop using fertiliser to avoid nitrous oxide emissions.

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Everything seems to designed to remove love and companionship from our lives - makes sense that they will attack pets. Anti-life indeed. Seems that some animals need to be protected, but others are to be removed from the planet... the domesticated ones because these have been tainted by the humans.

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