How the magic trick is done..

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The sun is it. The sun's magnetic field strength is reflected in the sun spot activity. High sun spots/magnetic field, blocks cosmic rays from the earth. Low sun spots/ magnetic field allow increased cosmic ray bombardment of earth. High cosmic rays make more clouds, cool the earth, less cosmic rays gives clear sky and warming. (Svensmark


The variable gravitational effects of the planets drive the fluctuations of the sun's magnetic activities, see http://www.landscheidt.info/?q=node/262

Humans have no more effect than fleas on the climate. Enjoy the interglacial.

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That's part of the answer. The other part is the series of complex interactions which natural multidecadal/decadal climate cycles and top-down weather phenomena have with solar and planetary forcings. Ultimately, our weather and climate here on earth is determined not just by the energy in the oceans, at the surface and in the troposphere, but by the distribution of that energy around the globe, in particular the meridional transport of energy from the equator to the poles. Judith Curry hosted an excellent series of posts on this: titled the Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis, by Javier Vinós & Andy May.

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I liked the winter gatekeeper. Another fun source is https://reality348.wordpress.com/author/erlhapp/

He looked at ozone as a driver of weather/climate. Fun if you have the time. We are not in charge.

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I wouldn't base a weekend on a weatherman, let alone the national economy, or my mental health.

The devil in me is happy to see Americans use Celsius in this latest distraction though.

Just argue how much it may or may not change, as long as it's in metric. 😈

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