Snort: "Instead, the scientists had to rely on data based on..." blah, blah, blah.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Re: the studies. Complication and convolution to fit the narrative. Thank you. Your posts help laypeople such as myself to be up to speed on this theatre of war.

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

About three weeks ago I sent an email to Sunak, most of his cabinet, most of the 1922 Committee and various other MPs debunking the Net Zero agenda. Maybe, just maybe, that email was the straw that broke the Net Zero camel’s back - nah, only kidding! It is now posted on Joel Smalley’s substack (without the email addressee bits): https://metatron.substack.com/p/my-heretical-epitaph?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2.

In that email I predicted that Sunak will not scrap Net Zero as that decision is above his pay grade. Ditto Starmer. I gave factual evidence that, contrary to all the propaganda, the UK has made hardly any progress in decarbonisation over the past 15 years and that there is no need and no point in pursuing this pointless endeavour any further, especially not unilaterally.

I believe that Sunak is not simply misguided, he is lying when he cites the junk science narrative that flooding in Libya and heatwaves in Europe is proof that alleged man-made global warming is real. Don’t forget his deep complicity in the Covid “plandemic” through his Moderna shareholdings. He probably knew of the plans for Covid years before it was unleashed.

His new energy secretary Claire Coutinho is equally adept at lying and goes the whole hog on the establishment’s fraudulent narrative. She’s thick as well as she says “We’re now approaching getting a quarter of our energy [she should have said electricity] coming from offshore wind”, see https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/09/20/claire-coutinho-net-zero-changes-pragmatism/..

Labour will probably reverse Sunak’s back-pedalling. In Scotland the SNP are incandescent about what he has done, having already set 2045 as the Net Zero target for Scotland! One way or another we are stuck with this nonsense for years to come, barring almighty midwinter power cuts or falling global temperatures (the AMO cold phase), or the electorate coming to its senses to stop voting Con/Lab/Lib/SNP.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop


Neil Oliver is no longer a member of Edinburgh's Royal Society; an own goal for the Royal Society.

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The progressive 21st century version of Gleichschaltung is now in the ascendant: uniformity and coordination.

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Me thinks they is making it up as they go along. They are simply adjusting the narrative to fit a reality. What story can we spin today to explain away what we just witnessed.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Happy to join you as a 'nobody climate denier', as I become ever more exasperated and despondent about the likely outcomes of the climate emergency cult.

A family member sent a link yesterday asking me to sign the 38 degrees petition to 'Save the planet'; issued in response to Rishi's cautious reversal of some of the more punitive diktats introduced by his predecessors .

I refused.( Haven't engaged in an argument as yet.)


Our leaders, vested interests, talking heads, NGOs and emoting protestors should study the site linked above and should also ask themselves why reputable scientists,who have dared to challenge the dogma, have been denounced and cancelled.



King Charles has called for action to step up the fight against climate change.

HM the K is hoping for an entente verte,to tackle the climate monster

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King Charles is a spaniel. He should stick to munching kibble.

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Public opinion surveys throughout the planet show that the author fortunately remains one of a dwindling number of climate deniers.

And since every national scientific body and every country, no matter what their politics or wealth or location embraces the reality of the climate crisis, and they all somehow turn out to be wrong. I guess we will just be stuck with millions of people breathing cleaner, air, the end of the corrupt domination of the carbon combustion complex on the worlds politics, fewer wars fought over fossil fuels and the prospect of decentralized control over our energy usage and sources.

We can’t have that of course so we need to ramp up the denial hysteria even higher.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop


Ever hear of the clot shot?

Reality is not a popularity contest.

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This comment is contagious . . . . . like yawning.

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Funny how it's always Gates funded Imperial that is the 'academic' go to... If this modeller is similar in action the perambulating lockdown paramour Neil 'PANICdemic' Ferguson then one would expect a dozen patio heaters, a coal fire, a range rover, leaky taps, lights on and the thermostat on full at their house...

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