I’m starting to think that the climate engineering folk are becoming as fanatical as the global warming folk. This is probably going to upset a few people, but the persistent claims coming from people like GeoengineeringWatch.com, alleging that major weather events are being engineered in real time by nefarious actors is not rational.
‘Climate engineering researcher’ Dane Wigington says there is “no question” that the California snowstorms are being geo-engineered in order to cover up the ‘fact’ that the state is still in a serious drought.
Anyone claiming that there is “no question” surrounding such an obviously contentious issue, where hard evidence is in such short supply, is obviously not to be taken seriously. I have plenty of questions and I’m sure others do too. To me, this seems like the exact equivalent of the Covid jab fanatics claiming that natural immunity ceased to exist in 2020. Wigington is claiming that at some point natural weather ceased to exist and has been replaced by a malign global geoengineering agenda. This is not scientific, even though he claims it is.
Wigington first claims that the upper air currents affecting California are being steered into the state by geoengineering, then he further claims that the snow which is falling is not natural snow, but chemically nucleated snow. His evidence for these bold claims appears to be:
The snow was tested and found to contain to contain various chemicals also found in geoengineering patents
He’s been hearing aircraft going backwards and forwards overhead, constantly
Multiple vehicle pile-ups are happening because this ‘artificial’ snow is more slippery
The article citing Wigington says:
We can test the snow and find the same things in climate engineering patents. We find aluminum, barium, manganese, polymer fibers, graphene and surfactants as well. All of these are found in our snow. . . . The directing of this moisture flow without chemical nucleation on top of this chemically frozen nucleated material is creating flooding right now as we speak. This is not debatable.
Anyone advancing such outlandish claims based upon such scant evidence, then claiming that they are not debatable is a zealot, not a scientist. I can’t tell the difference at this point between Wigington et al, global warming zealots and the Covid ‘experts’ who have led us all on an anti-scientific merry dance these last three years.
I do not dispute that research is ongoing into weather and climate manipulation. I do not dispute that the technology exists to ‘seed’ moisture-bearing clouds with chemicals in order to ‘precipitate precipitation’. I do dispute that, using a few aircraft and/or directing mysterious high powered microwave beams into the atmosphere, mad scientists have achieved almost complete control over our weather and over global circulation systems such that they can create weather systems and then direct them to the desired geographical location - anywhere in the world! (Wigington claims that the heatwaves in India are being created by geoengineering). I see no evidence that this is fact, either in published research or in actual weather events. I see plenty of evidence for naturally occurring weather which is not unprecedented, even if it is unusual at times.
“Climate engineering must stop or humanity is finished”. This is no different from the scaremongerers claiming “Fossil fuels must be ended or humanity is finished”. Well there is a slight difference: global burning of fossil fuels is a fact (but man-made catastrophic global warming as a result is an hypothesis) whereas widespread use of advanced geo-engineering technology which can create and alter the weather all over the globe is an hypothesis only.
Why is it that Man thinks he can so easily play God when it comes to weather and climate (or viral immunity)?
California has been cloud seeding since the 1950s. It's no big secret. A lot of people are not happy about it. I wouldn't be if I lived in California. If you mess with the weather and interfere with natural precipitation patterns, then it can have unintended consequences down the line. Usually, it involves aircraft fitted with special spray nozzles injecting silver iodide condensation nuclei into winter clouds in order to enhance precipitation and increase snowpack. But it's important to note that these planes are flying at low altitude in the troposphere, spraying low level clouds. The chemtrail theorists allege that chemicals are being injected into the lower stratosphere at much greater heights, where there are no rain-bearing clouds, but then they say these chemicals (aluminium, barium etc.) are causing artificial snow falls and can be detected in the snow which falls. How can this happen if they are being injected into the lower stratosphere? It doesn't make sense. How can these 'chemtrails' assist in the precision steering of high level jet streams towards specific locations, or is this all down to the mysterious HAARP rays? Others maintain that high level spraying of these poisonous salts is a planned attempt to cool the planet by reflecting and absorbing solar radiation - but the effect of persistent stratospheric aircraft trails suggests net warming, not cooling, as they trap radiated heat during the night-time, more than compensating for 'dimming' during the daytime. Whatever the case, the science definitely isn't settled and the entire subject is still very much open to debate, so anyone claiming that there is no debate is a fraud and a charlatan.
Well said..."Anyone advancing such outlandish claims based upon such scant evidence, then claiming that they are not debatable is a zealot, not a scientist."
How many 'new cult religions" do we have now?