Decades ago I worked as a computer programmer for a government-sponsored weather modification program that “seeded” clouds for years. The cloud physicists and PhD meteorologists failed to find any evidence that their efforts had any effect on the weather. They also laughed derisively at “news” headlines that the Russians were “changing our weather” (funny how some things never change). It’s easy to underestimate the amount of energy in the atmosphere, but it’s staggeringly enormous; to produce and direct sufficient power to alter the course of it is not possible without massive apparatus that likely isn’t within mankind’s technological means.
The engine of weather and climate is a big yellow ball of hydrogen and helium in the sky, 109 times the radius of earth and 333,000 times as massive as our planet, only 93 million miles away - a stone's throw in interstellar terms. All that hydrogen is being converted into helium via fusion, creating stupendous amounts of energy, all day, every day - something we can't manage to achieve even on a tiny scale here on earth, except for making thermonuclear bombs that is. When Bill gates and his pals set up something similar or manage to divert and harness the Sun's energy here on earth in order to achieve complete control over global weather and climate systems throughout all layers of the atmosphere, please someone let me know.
California has been cloud seeding since the 1950s. It's no big secret. A lot of people are not happy about it. I wouldn't be if I lived in California. If you mess with the weather and interfere with natural precipitation patterns, then it can have unintended consequences down the line. Usually, it involves aircraft fitted with special spray nozzles injecting silver iodide condensation nuclei into winter clouds in order to enhance precipitation and increase snowpack. But it's important to note that these planes are flying at low altitude in the troposphere, spraying low level clouds. The chemtrail theorists allege that chemicals are being injected into the lower stratosphere at much greater heights, where there are no rain-bearing clouds, but then they say these chemicals (aluminium, barium etc.) are causing artificial snow falls and can be detected in the snow which falls. How can this happen if they are being injected into the lower stratosphere? It doesn't make sense. How can these 'chemtrails' assist in the precision steering of high level jet streams towards specific locations, or is this all down to the mysterious HAARP rays? Others maintain that high level spraying of these poisonous salts is a planned attempt to cool the planet by reflecting and absorbing solar radiation - but the effect of persistent stratospheric aircraft trails suggests net warming, not cooling, as they trap radiated heat during the night-time, more than compensating for 'dimming' during the daytime. Whatever the case, the science definitely isn't settled and the entire subject is still very much open to debate, so anyone claiming that there is no debate is a fraud and a charlatan.
Nevertheless, despite some possible slight effects, please try to understand the scope of energy in global weather systems. Please go to this web site. Set the top control in the Layers menu to satellite - radar, and the bottom "Map Type, to "earth" Now zoom out and slide over so that you can see all of west coast, and a good portion of the Pacific as well. Now choose future. (This activates the radar for the entire map area.) Look at the immense moisture and weather systems.
That is all happening completely irrespective of some cloud seeding someone may take a few photos of. There is ZERO that humans are doing that has a quantifiable effect on these systems. Beyond the immense weather systems you are seeing there are jet stream currents moving incredible quantities of air moving at 100 plus miles per hour, and massive chaotic forces all interacting with energies and massive EM input, all millions of times greater then ANYTHING humans are doing in what may be small regional affects.
Beyond that there is truly nothing happening in the weather system now outside of normal climate in the past 150 years. Our host is entirely correct on this folks. We may be playing with minor weather modification that at the most, has an immeasurable effect on a small local area.
The world has immense problems to deal with, wars, global tyranny, Likely man made COVID and COVID policy, the Climate scam, etc... "Sufficient undo the day is the evil thereof."
Vapour trails are not some fiendish plot to change the weather, infect the population with exotic diseases, or whatever tin foil hattery.
They have occurred since aircraft achieved the ability to fly over around 20,000 feet.
Go and look at the photos of the sky over Kent during the Battle of Britain with the tangle of the vapour trails of the dogfighting RAF fighters and Luftwaffe fighters and bombers:
Do you believe the RAF, Luftwaffe and US Army Air Corps fitted their planes with devices to spray chemicals into the atmosphere for some nefarious purpose?
I do not think you understand the scope of the energies involved, the mass of weather systems hitting California are set and predetermined thousands of miles away over millions of sq miles. The incoming weather contains millions of times the mass and energy and is driven by radiation and evaporation with millions of times more energy on a vast EM spectrum, dwarfing the the small local effects you describe. See my comment above, and go to the link.
Turn over every rock ask everyone you know to watch their own skies.
These are my skies 🌌 I find it insulting that some dark agency that has more money than God tell me about climate crisis and carbon foot prints that we need
Be careful. When all the while dumping
Massive amounts of stuff on us using jets across the earth take soil samples or give Dane some respect. I would not cite them
Like citing Fauci on mask
Or safe and effective
Just saying JJ
I WAS born to challenge everything
This is my Sunday to do so.
In the end we want the same thing
Clean air fresh air clean water
We are the same team
I am only pulling my own weight assuming
No help but at least a curiosity of wtf are they doing.
The best lies are big ones based on small kernels of truth.
If we didn't learn anything over the past three years of the Madness it should be that.
The other lesson was the propaganda/lie machine runs 24x7 and also produces outlandish counter narratives that often run contrary to their original lies to discredit dissenters. It's an effective, proven, and sometimes difficult to discern method.
Any kind of climate fear porn is easy to produce since the weather is naturally destroying stuff all around the globe at any moment. Much like the Covidian siren song of "People are dying!!!" when meeting the truth of "Yes, 8,0000 people die every day in the USA and that's ok". There was a respiratory disease and yep it killed some very old and frail fat folks.
My take on chemtrails is the same. They're mainly normal contrails from jets. I saw them as a kid in the 70's and they looked exactly the same. Now, I'm certain evil fuckers have sprayed various toxins over populations but I doubt this is every day across the globe as the logistics would be impossible. And if you are spraying toxins, you'd do it at night.
Haarp or whatever is probably minimally effective and one can be certain that directed weather research would be part of every major countries weapons program. It wouldn't work all or even most of the time since technology can't conjure moisture or heat out of nowhere. They likely can nudge certain parameters to create localized effects, sometimes and erratically.
Remember the 5G crap and the coof.... You probably don't want either in your house but one had nothing to do with the other.
"Why is it that Man thinks he can so easily play God" that pretty much nails it. Everything bad weather wise is man Mkay. Cut your children's beating hearts out and throw them into the volcano to appease the Climate Gods™️. Its very much the same mentality as the Climate Cabal™️ where only newsworthy, sexy events get claimed for the cause whilst boring average weather, like seemingly endless grey skies under a slack easterly flow are not worthy enough to be included. Nevermind that Atmospheric Rivers are predicted weeks in advance by models and the likes of Joe Bastardi - nope it's all our fault one way or another. I'm undecided if it's a form of narcissism or like when I fooled my then 5 year old nephew that his magic wand was turning the (remote controlled) led candles on and off as he swished away. I wouldn't be surprised if they crank up HAARP everytime sexy weather is imminent just for the lolz. Quite useful too as it not only distracts but tars opposition to murderous climate policies to tackle a nonexistent crisis.
This is an important subject in my view. as when one is taking a contrary to the narrative position, one is at a disadvantage based on the inescapable reality that every other possible perspective is loaded into the skeptics position, thus your view, no matter how rational, is part of the everything else “denier” camp. You deny GHGs have any possible warming. You deny viruses are real. You are a Moon landing denier, and a “conspiracy theorist”. You are lumped with “them” and often effectively marginalized.
This is why I do not address things like chem-trails, or weather modifications, or the position that there is no greenhouse effect, or the possible US cause of 911, or the “viruses are not real” position. They may, or may not be supportable, but they are in a losing position, (a minority even within the skeptics camp) and often a distracting position from the main issues affecting policy and destroying nations and lives. So, as I have not committed the time and effort required to have a strong position on those rare views, I generally leave them be, yet consider them harmful to the efforts to stop the Globalist WEF objectives. To put my perspective in climatic terms, those positions do not have a snowballs chance in hell, and are harmful to the freedom movement.
It is an important subject because I think what is starting to happen is that there is a war on for control of not the weather, but the weather narrative. On the one hand, you have the climate fanatics increasingly looking to exploit all unusual or extreme weather events as 'climate change' and on the other, there are geo-engineering watch groups claiming that those same weather events ARE man-made, but via a different mechanism: nefarious geo-engineering activities carried out by state and private actors with the aim of weaponising the weather against humanity. In between them are those persons who maintain - with considerable evidence to back them up - that powerful natural forces are overwhelmingly responsible for shaping our weather and climate and the influence of Man, whether inadvertent or deliberate, is minor, or even insignificant. From an observational standpoint, the exception is aircraft trails, which do form very significant high level cloud formations. The disagreement comes as to how they are formed, why they are formed and what their influence upon weather and climate is. Opposing camps are becoming increasingly entrenched, which is not good news for trying to resolve these contentious issues.
4. Climate crisis is just another Covid weaponizing device.
Believe what you will but watch your own skies and ask yourself how can a beautiful pristine blue sky morning turn gray ugly after an ongoing multiple cocaine lines from jets in bum fuck nowhere?
Believe what you will. Ever hear LBJ speech on owning the weather?
Or now bill gates wants to dim the sun after they have been doing this for decades?
I don't 'believe' anything James; well, not a lot anyhow! Persistent spreading contrails are a fact, which requires an explanation. I find the explanation that they are condensation trails left by commercial aircraft which may be more frequent/persistent due to changing upper atmospheric conditions/modern fuel additives/modern jet engines/more frequent commercial traffic rather more persuasive than the alternatives put forward by the chemtrail theorists. I also think it would be rather simple to test their theory that these 'chemtrails' are not just frozen water and have high concentrations of aluminium/barium etc. by using a spectrometer to analyse the sunlight which penetrates through these spreading 'chemtrails'. This should reveal the presence of chemical elements other then H2O. AFAIK, this hasn't been done. The important point is, I am open to being persuaded that there is indeed a global chemical spraying operation going on. I don't claim that this explanation for what we actually observe is disproved "beyond question", only that it is poorly evidenced.
Look I live in bum fuck nowhere really in great big sky country. I am out every day driving. There is no way these are commercial airlines flying. They cross the skies and systematically blot out the natural sun and blue skies. Go look at the manufacturer of jet engines. No exhaust created. Go look at patents. I am simply telling you one can dive into a rabbit hole
Or just be curious to watch your own skies.
On days they don’t spray pristine blue skies
On days they do spray and just put in time and journal. I have been watching my skies
Not glued to a damn phone or inside a building. Ask yourself some serious questions. Two things I want to witness the ceasing of Chem trails and extremely high
Amounts of vaxxines on kids schedule.
They are poisoning you us them I don’t need some one telling me I can see the skies. I trust my own eyes. And I ask for independent thinkers to do the same. Not asses that don’t even look at their own skies and pass judgements on those who do. Some commenters ought to get off their asses and take a serious look at their own skies. I live in the central part of Oregon skies don’t lie. People are oblivious
To what is going on. Not my job to change your mind but go see for yourself. The skies change its not water vapor the white lines
"Look I live in bum fuck nowhere really in great big sky country. I am out every day driving. There is no way these are commercial airlines flying. They cross the skies and systematically blot out the natural sun and blue skies. Go look at the manufacturer of jet engines. No exhaust created. Go look at patents. I am simply telling you one can dive into a rabbit hole
Or just be curious to watch your own skies.
On days they don’t spray pristine blue skies
On days they do spray and just put in time and journal. I have been watching my skies
Not glued to a damn phone or inside a building. Ask yourself some serious questions. Two things I want to witness the ceasing of Chem trails and extremely high"
I live in sheep fuck country and I watch the skies every day and I don't have a 'smart' phone. Some days I see clear blue skies and short, rapidly evaporating contrails from overhead aircraft. Other days I see persistent, spreading contrails from the same or similar aircraft, using the same commercial routes. My explanation for this is based on science: sometimes the upper atmosphere is very dry and contrails rapidly evaporate. On other days, the upper air is more humid and contrails form but do not rapidly evaporate. This is weather. It's not the temporary cessation of spraying operations. I don't go down rabbit holes when rational, scientific explanations will do.
Believe whatever you want. Call them contrails or whatever you can go look at the movie the dimming look at patents look at whatever you like. If these are commercial
Planes flying then it would be consistent
Everyday. It’s not. Just saying believe whatever I have jumped into the rabbit hole
Came to my own conclusions.
Trust the science like Fauci
Trust your science
Take one day to look at what has been highly documented.
Just saying I don’t believe your science
Keep asking questions
The skies used to be void of Chem trails
Look up jet engines manufacturing that says their engines don’t leave any emissions
Go google pictures
Or look for pilots who have admitted to these planes dropping nano particles
"Look up jet engines manufacturing that says their engines don’t leave any emissions."
Water vapour is the main by product of the combustion of jet fuel. This is an emission. Small amounts of microscopic particulates (nanoparticles) are also emitted, even by the cleanest engines. These particulates (and any other particulates which happen to exist along the flight path) form condensation nuclei for the formation of ice crystals from exhaust water vapour. In humid conditions, these tiny ice crystals can be further augmented by the condensation of atmospheric water vapour - causing persistent contrails.
However, it seems you are determined to dismiss science in preference to the evidence of your own eyes, so I guess we are going to have to fundamentally disagree here.
What company is outfitting these aircraft to do this? Where are the pilots that fly these planes. Has anyone heard them testify of seeding clouds or blocking skies?
Also understand that the effect is MIA. Nothing is happening weather-wise outside of the last 100 plus years of normal. (The hottest years in the US were in the 1930s) We have had hotter years in the past, we have had wetter years, dryer years, greater floods, more snow, more drought, etc...
The Null hypothesis is yet strongly indicated for both human government climate change, and for "Global Warming"
Well said..."Anyone advancing such outlandish claims based upon such scant evidence, then claiming that they are not debatable is a zealot, not a scientist."
Decades ago I worked as a computer programmer for a government-sponsored weather modification program that “seeded” clouds for years. The cloud physicists and PhD meteorologists failed to find any evidence that their efforts had any effect on the weather. They also laughed derisively at “news” headlines that the Russians were “changing our weather” (funny how some things never change). It’s easy to underestimate the amount of energy in the atmosphere, but it’s staggeringly enormous; to produce and direct sufficient power to alter the course of it is not possible without massive apparatus that likely isn’t within mankind’s technological means.
The engine of weather and climate is a big yellow ball of hydrogen and helium in the sky, 109 times the radius of earth and 333,000 times as massive as our planet, only 93 million miles away - a stone's throw in interstellar terms. All that hydrogen is being converted into helium via fusion, creating stupendous amounts of energy, all day, every day - something we can't manage to achieve even on a tiny scale here on earth, except for making thermonuclear bombs that is. When Bill gates and his pals set up something similar or manage to divert and harness the Sun's energy here on earth in order to achieve complete control over global weather and climate systems throughout all layers of the atmosphere, please someone let me know.
California has been cloud seeding since the 1950s. It's no big secret. A lot of people are not happy about it. I wouldn't be if I lived in California. If you mess with the weather and interfere with natural precipitation patterns, then it can have unintended consequences down the line. Usually, it involves aircraft fitted with special spray nozzles injecting silver iodide condensation nuclei into winter clouds in order to enhance precipitation and increase snowpack. But it's important to note that these planes are flying at low altitude in the troposphere, spraying low level clouds. The chemtrail theorists allege that chemicals are being injected into the lower stratosphere at much greater heights, where there are no rain-bearing clouds, but then they say these chemicals (aluminium, barium etc.) are causing artificial snow falls and can be detected in the snow which falls. How can this happen if they are being injected into the lower stratosphere? It doesn't make sense. How can these 'chemtrails' assist in the precision steering of high level jet streams towards specific locations, or is this all down to the mysterious HAARP rays? Others maintain that high level spraying of these poisonous salts is a planned attempt to cool the planet by reflecting and absorbing solar radiation - but the effect of persistent stratospheric aircraft trails suggests net warming, not cooling, as they trap radiated heat during the night-time, more than compensating for 'dimming' during the daytime. Whatever the case, the science definitely isn't settled and the entire subject is still very much open to debate, so anyone claiming that there is no debate is a fraud and a charlatan.
Nevertheless, despite some possible slight effects, please try to understand the scope of energy in global weather systems. Please go to this web site. Set the top control in the Layers menu to satellite - radar, and the bottom "Map Type, to "earth" Now zoom out and slide over so that you can see all of west coast, and a good portion of the Pacific as well. Now choose future. (This activates the radar for the entire map area.) Look at the immense moisture and weather systems.
That is all happening completely irrespective of some cloud seeding someone may take a few photos of. There is ZERO that humans are doing that has a quantifiable effect on these systems. Beyond the immense weather systems you are seeing there are jet stream currents moving incredible quantities of air moving at 100 plus miles per hour, and massive chaotic forces all interacting with energies and massive EM input, all millions of times greater then ANYTHING humans are doing in what may be small regional affects.
Beyond that there is truly nothing happening in the weather system now outside of normal climate in the past 150 years. Our host is entirely correct on this folks. We may be playing with minor weather modification that at the most, has an immeasurable effect on a small local area.
The world has immense problems to deal with, wars, global tyranny, Likely man made COVID and COVID policy, the Climate scam, etc... "Sufficient undo the day is the evil thereof."
Meant to be a reply to James Duff
I totally disagree. Look up patents. Look up pictures of jets accommodating the containers of stuff without any passenger seats.
You cannot tell me these tiny vapors persist for hours slowly like white curtains.
I am simply asking you to use your eyes to watch
Dear I have watching skies for some 60 years
You keep your google science.
I’ll keep my keen cat eyes and curiosity
Truth is there east to find.
These white coke lines in the skies are deliberate there results are obvious.
If you claim to have Climate in your expertise
Then you might want to explore your field
At great length
Haarp nexrad geoengineering
Dane has something to say
Follow the science which is an ever ongoing quest for truth
Appreciate your responses but your science
Is not mine
Just saying there’s lots of data info or was before censoring became the deal
1947 they have been manipulating weather
If I had Climate on my Substack I’d investigate every Tin foil hat conspiracy I could
Vapour trails are not some fiendish plot to change the weather, infect the population with exotic diseases, or whatever tin foil hattery.
They have occurred since aircraft achieved the ability to fly over around 20,000 feet.
Go and look at the photos of the sky over Kent during the Battle of Britain with the tangle of the vapour trails of the dogfighting RAF fighters and Luftwaffe fighters and bombers:
Or later in the war the vapour trails of the US Fortresses and Liberators on their way to bomb Germany:
Do you believe the RAF, Luftwaffe and US Army Air Corps fitted their planes with devices to spray chemicals into the atmosphere for some nefarious purpose?
I do not think you understand the scope of the energies involved, the mass of weather systems hitting California are set and predetermined thousands of miles away over millions of sq miles. The incoming weather contains millions of times the mass and energy and is driven by radiation and evaporation with millions of times more energy on a vast EM spectrum, dwarfing the the small local effects you describe. See my comment above, and go to the link.
My science is not 'mine'. I don't own it. Only climate fanatics like those at the UN and Google 'own' science. I just cite it. That's all.
I don’t believe a word UN or google say.
I am just sending you on a knights errand to
Turn over every rock ask everyone you know to watch their own skies.
These are my skies 🌌 I find it insulting that some dark agency that has more money than God tell me about climate crisis and carbon foot prints that we need
Be careful. When all the while dumping
Massive amounts of stuff on us using jets across the earth take soil samples or give Dane some respect. I would not cite them
Like citing Fauci on mask
Or safe and effective
Just saying JJ
I WAS born to challenge everything
This is my Sunday to do so.
In the end we want the same thing
Clean air fresh air clean water
We are the same team
I am only pulling my own weight assuming
No help but at least a curiosity of wtf are they doing.
Bill gates is in on it that ought to scream
The best lies are big ones based on small kernels of truth.
If we didn't learn anything over the past three years of the Madness it should be that.
The other lesson was the propaganda/lie machine runs 24x7 and also produces outlandish counter narratives that often run contrary to their original lies to discredit dissenters. It's an effective, proven, and sometimes difficult to discern method.
Any kind of climate fear porn is easy to produce since the weather is naturally destroying stuff all around the globe at any moment. Much like the Covidian siren song of "People are dying!!!" when meeting the truth of "Yes, 8,0000 people die every day in the USA and that's ok". There was a respiratory disease and yep it killed some very old and frail fat folks.
My take on chemtrails is the same. They're mainly normal contrails from jets. I saw them as a kid in the 70's and they looked exactly the same. Now, I'm certain evil fuckers have sprayed various toxins over populations but I doubt this is every day across the globe as the logistics would be impossible. And if you are spraying toxins, you'd do it at night.
Haarp or whatever is probably minimally effective and one can be certain that directed weather research would be part of every major countries weapons program. It wouldn't work all or even most of the time since technology can't conjure moisture or heat out of nowhere. They likely can nudge certain parameters to create localized effects, sometimes and erratically.
Remember the 5G crap and the coof.... You probably don't want either in your house but one had nothing to do with the other.
"Why is it that Man thinks he can so easily play God" that pretty much nails it. Everything bad weather wise is man Mkay. Cut your children's beating hearts out and throw them into the volcano to appease the Climate Gods™️. Its very much the same mentality as the Climate Cabal™️ where only newsworthy, sexy events get claimed for the cause whilst boring average weather, like seemingly endless grey skies under a slack easterly flow are not worthy enough to be included. Nevermind that Atmospheric Rivers are predicted weeks in advance by models and the likes of Joe Bastardi - nope it's all our fault one way or another. I'm undecided if it's a form of narcissism or like when I fooled my then 5 year old nephew that his magic wand was turning the (remote controlled) led candles on and off as he swished away. I wouldn't be surprised if they crank up HAARP everytime sexy weather is imminent just for the lolz. Quite useful too as it not only distracts but tars opposition to murderous climate policies to tackle a nonexistent crisis.
Well said.
This is an important subject in my view. as when one is taking a contrary to the narrative position, one is at a disadvantage based on the inescapable reality that every other possible perspective is loaded into the skeptics position, thus your view, no matter how rational, is part of the everything else “denier” camp. You deny GHGs have any possible warming. You deny viruses are real. You are a Moon landing denier, and a “conspiracy theorist”. You are lumped with “them” and often effectively marginalized.
This is why I do not address things like chem-trails, or weather modifications, or the position that there is no greenhouse effect, or the possible US cause of 911, or the “viruses are not real” position. They may, or may not be supportable, but they are in a losing position, (a minority even within the skeptics camp) and often a distracting position from the main issues affecting policy and destroying nations and lives. So, as I have not committed the time and effort required to have a strong position on those rare views, I generally leave them be, yet consider them harmful to the efforts to stop the Globalist WEF objectives. To put my perspective in climatic terms, those positions do not have a snowballs chance in hell, and are harmful to the freedom movement.
It is an important subject because I think what is starting to happen is that there is a war on for control of not the weather, but the weather narrative. On the one hand, you have the climate fanatics increasingly looking to exploit all unusual or extreme weather events as 'climate change' and on the other, there are geo-engineering watch groups claiming that those same weather events ARE man-made, but via a different mechanism: nefarious geo-engineering activities carried out by state and private actors with the aim of weaponising the weather against humanity. In between them are those persons who maintain - with considerable evidence to back them up - that powerful natural forces are overwhelmingly responsible for shaping our weather and climate and the influence of Man, whether inadvertent or deliberate, is minor, or even insignificant. From an observational standpoint, the exception is aircraft trails, which do form very significant high level cloud formations. The disagreement comes as to how they are formed, why they are formed and what their influence upon weather and climate is. Opposing camps are becoming increasingly entrenched, which is not good news for trying to resolve these contentious issues.
And as mentioned, nothing outside of the natural variability has occurred.
Oh dear, what an astonishing pile of claptrap.
Wingington sounds like he's stopped taking his medication to me.
1. One must ask why all the constant Chem trails?
2. HARRP is real
3. Weather wars is real
4. Climate crisis is just another Covid weaponizing device.
Believe what you will but watch your own skies and ask yourself how can a beautiful pristine blue sky morning turn gray ugly after an ongoing multiple cocaine lines from jets in bum fuck nowhere?
Believe what you will. Ever hear LBJ speech on owning the weather?
Or now bill gates wants to dim the sun after they have been doing this for decades?
Jump down the rabbit hole 🕳️
Use your own eyes
I don't 'believe' anything James; well, not a lot anyhow! Persistent spreading contrails are a fact, which requires an explanation. I find the explanation that they are condensation trails left by commercial aircraft which may be more frequent/persistent due to changing upper atmospheric conditions/modern fuel additives/modern jet engines/more frequent commercial traffic rather more persuasive than the alternatives put forward by the chemtrail theorists. I also think it would be rather simple to test their theory that these 'chemtrails' are not just frozen water and have high concentrations of aluminium/barium etc. by using a spectrometer to analyse the sunlight which penetrates through these spreading 'chemtrails'. This should reveal the presence of chemical elements other then H2O. AFAIK, this hasn't been done. The important point is, I am open to being persuaded that there is indeed a global chemical spraying operation going on. I don't claim that this explanation for what we actually observe is disproved "beyond question", only that it is poorly evidenced.
Look I live in bum fuck nowhere really in great big sky country. I am out every day driving. There is no way these are commercial airlines flying. They cross the skies and systematically blot out the natural sun and blue skies. Go look at the manufacturer of jet engines. No exhaust created. Go look at patents. I am simply telling you one can dive into a rabbit hole
Or just be curious to watch your own skies.
On days they don’t spray pristine blue skies
On days they do spray and just put in time and journal. I have been watching my skies
Not glued to a damn phone or inside a building. Ask yourself some serious questions. Two things I want to witness the ceasing of Chem trails and extremely high
Amounts of vaxxines on kids schedule.
They are poisoning you us them I don’t need some one telling me I can see the skies. I trust my own eyes. And I ask for independent thinkers to do the same. Not asses that don’t even look at their own skies and pass judgements on those who do. Some commenters ought to get off their asses and take a serious look at their own skies. I live in the central part of Oregon skies don’t lie. People are oblivious
To what is going on. Not my job to change your mind but go see for yourself. The skies change its not water vapor the white lines
Are not God clouds. It ain’t nice to fuck with
Mother Nature!
"Look I live in bum fuck nowhere really in great big sky country. I am out every day driving. There is no way these are commercial airlines flying. They cross the skies and systematically blot out the natural sun and blue skies. Go look at the manufacturer of jet engines. No exhaust created. Go look at patents. I am simply telling you one can dive into a rabbit hole
Or just be curious to watch your own skies.
On days they don’t spray pristine blue skies
On days they do spray and just put in time and journal. I have been watching my skies
Not glued to a damn phone or inside a building. Ask yourself some serious questions. Two things I want to witness the ceasing of Chem trails and extremely high"
I live in sheep fuck country and I watch the skies every day and I don't have a 'smart' phone. Some days I see clear blue skies and short, rapidly evaporating contrails from overhead aircraft. Other days I see persistent, spreading contrails from the same or similar aircraft, using the same commercial routes. My explanation for this is based on science: sometimes the upper atmosphere is very dry and contrails rapidly evaporate. On other days, the upper air is more humid and contrails form but do not rapidly evaporate. This is weather. It's not the temporary cessation of spraying operations. I don't go down rabbit holes when rational, scientific explanations will do.
Believe whatever you want. Call them contrails or whatever you can go look at the movie the dimming look at patents look at whatever you like. If these are commercial
Planes flying then it would be consistent
Everyday. It’s not. Just saying believe whatever I have jumped into the rabbit hole
Came to my own conclusions.
Trust the science like Fauci
Trust your science
Take one day to look at what has been highly documented.
Just saying I don’t believe your science
Keep asking questions
The skies used to be void of Chem trails
Look up jet engines manufacturing that says their engines don’t leave any emissions
Go google pictures
Or look for pilots who have admitted to these planes dropping nano particles
Just saying you write
I drive I’ve already convinced myself
"Look up jet engines manufacturing that says their engines don’t leave any emissions."
Water vapour is the main by product of the combustion of jet fuel. This is an emission. Small amounts of microscopic particulates (nanoparticles) are also emitted, even by the cleanest engines. These particulates (and any other particulates which happen to exist along the flight path) form condensation nuclei for the formation of ice crystals from exhaust water vapour. In humid conditions, these tiny ice crystals can be further augmented by the condensation of atmospheric water vapour - causing persistent contrails.
However, it seems you are determined to dismiss science in preference to the evidence of your own eyes, so I guess we are going to have to fundamentally disagree here.
What company is outfitting these aircraft to do this? Where are the pilots that fly these planes. Has anyone heard them testify of seeding clouds or blocking skies?
Please consider the massive energies involved.
Also understand that the effect is MIA. Nothing is happening weather-wise outside of the last 100 plus years of normal. (The hottest years in the US were in the 1930s) We have had hotter years in the past, we have had wetter years, dryer years, greater floods, more snow, more drought, etc...
The Null hypothesis is yet strongly indicated for both human government climate change, and for "Global Warming"
Like I said I live in central Oregon Washington huge Sky. I am out driving every day. Been a sky watcher forever.
These are not natural God clouds.
They start east in the morning
Then west in the afternoon.
They are not consistent like on a routine
Thanks for confirming your eyes to mine.
I find it infuriating that people tell you their science that does not match my own
Eyes bearing witness to what I have seen for decades.
Like safe and effective don’t lie to me!
The days they don’t spray are pristine
We have big winds here so this helps
I am just asking people use your eyes
They have eyes but still don’t see
Let them who eyes see
I know what I see as God as my witness
These are unnatural.
They block the sun
I want my skies blue pristine
When they stop spraying the war on us is
Oh wars...
Yeah, right!
I've been watching my skies for around 70 years, since the very early 1950s in fact, and there were plenty of contrails then.
"Chemtrails" are tin foil hat territory.
As to HAARP:
Go watch your skies
Use your own eyes
Well said..."Anyone advancing such outlandish claims based upon such scant evidence, then claiming that they are not debatable is a zealot, not a scientist."
How many 'new cult religions" do we have now?