Jun 17, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Thanks Benjamin. I can see Gato's point on the absolute vs. anomaly global mean temperature, but the temperature anomaly gives us a lot more useful information and actually, the UAH chart, for that very reason, still doesn't look scary. You can see immediately that ENSO variations in temperature over just a few years greatly exceed the more moderate and very gentle long term rise in global mean temperature since 1978. It's also by no means beyond the realm of possibility that it is ENSO 'step-wise' heating of the oceans which is largely contributing to the long term rise.

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Yes, no matter how bad the tories are, I still fear Labour and Starmer getting as they will be much worse on all fronts, and we will have less time to create alternatives...

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UK will be like 'Will the last person to leave please turn out the lights' - except that the lights will go off beforehand.

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and we won't be able to leave our 20 minute neighbourhood...

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Yes, like all religious cults, the powers that be have become obsessed by ritual over reason. Only the process matters. Collateral damage like the complete collapse of our society will be an unfortunate but necessary cost.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Very well said!

Labour started the climate change authoritarianism with Ed Miliband’s legally binding 2008 Climate Change Act so the consolation of Labour taking over at this stage is that it is they who will have to pick up the pieces when the wheels fall off well and truly. I told them umpteen times it was all a massive mistake but they never listened, e.g. https://edmhdotme.wordpress.com/fossil-fuel-dependency-shows-net-zero-is-impossible/.

Since 2008 the UK has managed to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels for its energy supply to a shade under 80% (the rest of the world is around 84%), but still these buffoons insist that we can transition to net zero in just a few decades (by 2045 for SNP buffoons). Their talk of a green transition is a lie: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/03/12/there-is-no-energy-transition-just-energy-addition/.

Left-wingers have nearly all swallowed their own propaganda on climate change, with the honourable exception of the Labour’s Graham Stringer. We see this with US Democrats as well where, for example, the otherwise sensible Robert F Kennedy Jr gives his unquestioning support to the climate change agenda.

Of course the political leaders across the political spectrum know that Net Zero has nothing to do with climate but they are treasonously pushing it on behalf of their globalist overlords because it is all to do with global governance and totalitarian control of global resources and the global population: https://metatron.substack.com/p/the-undemocratic-tyranny-of-net-zero. This has been obvious to critical thinkers for decades but is even more obvious now following the evil machinations of the Covid “plandemic”.

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