Jaime - I see the evil too. I was probably more won over by the banality of evil argument before but now I think we are over run by Cluster B personalities, who naturally will be drawn to such positions where they can inflict upon others. They do seem to have this desire to control others. Cluster B is a part good way to see them, such as the fun I had with Facebook's gaslighting fact checkers earlier in the year.


A thing I have noted is when I outright call them out, as I with did Facebook fact checker and recently a Lewandowsky style 'climate psychologist' making pronouncments about oyr psychological state, they go quiet - they love the limelight but not exposure. You can see it in the behavior of Taylor Lorenz etc and Jacinda is definitely a psychopath.

You can also see it, narcissism, in JSO's Louise, 24 who was up the motorway gantry shedding no tears. This is quite revealing of who these people are:


This is from the wiki article on Cluster B but it's actually a fair summation and you read this you see the likes of Mann, Lewandowsky, XR, JSO etc etc pop out at you.

"Cluster B (dramatic, emotional or erratic disorders)

Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by impulsive, self-destructive, emotional behavior and sometimes incomprehensible interactions with others.[20]

Antisocial personality disorder: pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, lack of empathy, bloated self-image, manipulative and impulsive behavior.

Borderline personality disorder: pervasive pattern of abrupt emotional outbursts, altered empathy,[21] instability in relationships, self-image, identity, behavior and affect, often leading to self-harm and impulsivity.

Histrionic personality disorder: pervasive pattern of attention-seeking behavior, excessive emotions, and egocentrism.

Narcissistic personality disorder: pervasive pattern of superior grandiosity, need for admiration, and a perceived or real lack of empathy. "

Are they evil?

Having dealt with these people I'd say yes, because unlike the strong who will pause before crushing you - they don't pause. Heck I had one idiot wish I "didn't get the vax" yesterday. I replied with the NPC vax pincushion meme and said I hope he keeps getting vaxxed 😆 The point is, you disagree they want your death. That is evil and pretty hard, but not impossible, to come back from. All we can save is those in thrall to these nuts because I don't think the Fauci's of the world can be saved. You don't save a demon you send then back to hell where they came from.

P.S. Loving your substack.

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I think one can understand much of human behaviour by the 'desire to please' that is present in all pack animals. People keep dogs because of what they call 'unconditional love' which really means the dog tops up its owner's dopamine levels when it's being a good boy. So it is with alpha humans. Betas ... have feelings of subordination, like pet dogs, that makes them eager to please; leaders too need that reinforcement and will say or do anything to get it. Anyone can be evil - you just have to have a following.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Jaime Jessop

Well said, almost all today’s political posturing is a lie, see https://principia-scientific.com/first-degree-premeditated-mass-murder-crimes-against-humanity-genocide/ :

On balance I think that all the mad, bad things that are happening are carefully premeditated. It seems to me that the government’s handling of Coronavirus had little to do with public health, that the climate change agenda has little to do with climate and that the war in Ukraine with its severely self-harming sanctions has little to do with defending plucky Ukraine against big, bad Russia.

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deletedDec 13, 2022Liked by Jaime Jessop
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