
Unbelievable. The Telegraph has an article on whale deaths and wind farms, but says this about Newquay:

At Newquay – which has no offshore wind farm nearby – there is no obvious cause behind the fin whale’s death. “We will not know what happened to this individual until a necropsy is performed. And even then, the real cause may never be known,” says Groves.


Just how dishonest and deceptive can the MSM get?

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Just for some added context here is a news report about dead vultures dropping out of the skies - all within sight of a local cell tower (with new looking cables and electrical boxes suggesting a recent upgrade). What makes the news report so telling is that the cell tower is never mentioned and only appears briefly in a clip that was probably left in the edit by accident.

The report focuses instead on the water tower which stands next to the cell tower. It also speculates that poisoning or bird flu is the most likely cause (neither of which would cause vultures to drop dead in mid flight!). Even the environmental officer featured in the report plays dumb.

The report is a classic example of how the media's job is to cover up the news, not report it. For any health or environmental story it's a safe bet the ACTUAL news story is the thing which is NOT being reported. Once you realise this 'the news' actually becomes quite a useful resource again.

Here's the report. It's a masterclass in red herrings.


Even though we are constantly being told we must embrace serfdom to 'save the planet', I've noticed the media's reporting of dead birds falling out the sky is always reported with a casual and lighthearted vibe. It looks like they are doing the same with whale deaths too. This is another red flag that a technology is responsible (wind/ wireless etc) and it's the technology which has been granted 'protected status'.

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That is not at all what your two news items conclude. All they say is that two divers were slightly injured by sonar from a Chinese ship. Unlike whales, human divers do not have an extremely sensitive echo location system for navigating in open water, therefore, if anything, whales are probably MORE likely to be injured by underwater sonar.

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Sorry my sarcasm and lack of detail didn't really convey my message. I was trying to make the point that the media will admit that sonar can harm humans, but won't admit that sonar can harm whales because it is no "convenient" to the narrative.

Michael Shellenberger has a great series of article and link to a great documentary on this subject about what is happening to the North Atlantic Right Whale off the East Coast of the United States.




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Ah, my apologies too. Just a little too subtle for me to catch on to!

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Yes, I saw this and made this connection too, I mentioned it on a comment on an "Eigenvalues" substack post.

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David's latest post points out how the government is trying to con the public into believing that the 'generational cost' of these planned monstrosities in the Bristol Channel will be 217% less than what they will cost at today's prices.

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P.S. The 'Celtic Sea' seems to be a Woke name for what has been called the Bristol Channel for many, many years. I'd never heard of the Celtic Sea before I started doing research for this article, so as far as I'm concerned, it's the Bristol Channel where they are planning to build these floating offshore wind farms. Look at any old map and it will confirm this.

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If not the Bristol Channel, which could be argued to extend only out as far as Milford Haven in Wales and Hartland Point in England, then these floating offshore wind farms are planned to be sited in the Atlantic Ocean. Cornwall is famed for its Atlantic rollers and its Atlantic climate; I never heard of surfers riding Celtic Sea waves!

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We are gonna end up killing every mammal in the ocean.

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