The BBC shouldn't be trusted on anything.


The Daily Sport was more trustworthy, while Viz had journalistic integrity that the BBC can only dream of.

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Delusional thinking as covered in Dr Iain McGilchrist's book. These left-hemisphere over-activated folk will make up anything to maintain the self-delusion. He has a word for this, but I have forgotten what it is, i will look up as its an important concept here. You also have a good point about these folks and the covidians revel and long for deaths. The word is confabulation: Confabulation refers to the production or creation of false or erroneous memories without the intent to deceive. Alternatively, confabulation is a falsification of memory by a person who, believes he or she is genuinely communicating truthful memories

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"You also have a good point about these folks and the covidians revel and long for deaths."

Well they are the same people. Below I take an excerpt from the "Global Warming Post at my site, and I change just one small section from CC to COVID.

"Political proponents of COVID clearly state, in their own words, their political motivation. That motivation is support for socialism and by extension, statism and world government. While many are influenced to support the COVID agenda by different factors, the proposed solutions ALWAYS engender the political goals of statists, while having an immeasurable effect on COVID

Beyond political power objectives, the disparate factors which influence many to accept COVID policy are well studied social phenomena such as; personal wealth, and Institutional wealth. Researchers in many fields know that funding is available for their department if they can attach theoretical COVID harm to a paper. (There is hundreds of billions of dollars a year available for research and industry) As often quoted Upton Sinclair said “'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Other known and studied bias factors are peer pressure, social and professional shadow-banning, confirmation bias, noble cause corruption, misuse of the precautionary principle, and effective propaganda of repeated and false warnings of doom by many COVID proponents.

“The terrible truths of these experiments in human compliance and propensity to be beastly stand testament to the nature of the problem.”

milgram showed us how people will harm people if pressured by authority

asch showed us that people will ignore their own senses and perceptions when pressured by peer group

stanford showed us how easily humans can be egged into abuse of power”

As the world grows ever smaller via human technology, human systems and corporations grow ever more global. It is logical therefore that systems of human corruption can and would also became more pervasive and global in scale. The merge of One world Government and international business is not to be trusted. These people endlessly proclaim how they are doing this for the good of the world.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very “kindness” stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

– C.S. Lewis

Yep, COVID and Climate, just two tools of a single operation.

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Most climate change sceptics, people who have been questioning the 'consensus' climate change narrative for years in many cases, fell hook, line and sinker for the Covid scam, and some are still reluctant to believe that they were fooled.

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Indeed. Jamie and I had a rather torrid time over on a climate sceptic site in early 2021 for not wanting to vax everyone under the sun to protect old people in fear. Jaime raised a valid concern:

"Healthy women in that age group are at miniscule risk of developing serious Covid symptoms, even less than men, and their natural immune systems are almost certainly a better and safer way of avoiding problems than taking an experimental gene ‘therapy’."

Having read the science and the risk, pretty apparent in early 2020 let alone a year later, I threw some thoughts forward...

"Many opinions on the experimental vaccines* are blinkered by perception of risk. I can understand why those in the at risk categories of age/comorbidities will get the jab, however outside of those groups the risk from the CCP virus is minimal. Consider a 21 y/o female in West London of average height, at the top end of average weight with asthma has a 99.9997% chance of survival and only a 0.0256% chance of hospitalisation (OU figures based on 1st wave but not much changed by round two) - why bother with a vaccine which has unknown long term consequences (which you will live with for several decades) and *could* affect fertility and/or cause birth defects? For them the precautionary principle should be going off like the buzzer on Family Fortunes. 

If I was older and had health issues I may well come to a different conclusion, but take a vaccine for a disease which I have a 99.996% chance of survival?. No thanks big pharma. It's highly disturbing that the government are pushing vaxing everyone and their cat - with no push back anywhere on the supine benches of Parliament. It's not a precautionary principle on display but a psychotic one. Regardless of any conspiracy ideation, of course Big Pharma want *everyone* to have their product when the public purse is footing the bill! The basic economic model of mass vaccination doesn't require Lew[andowsky] Paper to figure out. 

Precautions don't involve shoving people with covid into care homes, but like those pharma friends who surround certain govorners in NYC it is always interesting to ask qui bono? I know people in the NHS field and they were perplexed to put it mildly as to why that was allowed to happen (not isolated to UK/US it would seem). Precautions also don't involve shutting down critical care for all and papering over the cracks in the economy with fiat. Even the average Joe and Joan can figure that's iffy.


Risk is always a balance. The c. 1600 who died post 9/11 by taking the car rather than plane didn't know the risk was greater. We don't know the risk for the jab either and it won't be clear for years. 

To draw this on topic of the post, the big give away in all this is the Philandering Professor of Peril's [Ferguson] behaviour in response to his hockey stick projections. It was a bit like buying a beach front property and telling everyone not to go on holiday whilst you either fly to work or jet off to accept an environmental award...only the PPP went down the smuttier route. 

* record turnaround, minimal testing/steps skipped before launch, novel type of gene therapy, no long term studies on side effects, govts. and pharmaceutical companies having no liabilities, mass not targeted roll out - even if it does 'work' and there's hardly reassure there considering it's not going to change much. We only have to look at the last time they tried this with the Swine Flu vaccine and see why they removed their liabilities this time around." https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/feb/09/ministers-lose-fight-to-stop-payouts-in-swine-flu-jab-narcolepsy-cases

I though that was reasonable and I wasn't casting aspersions on anyone who had taken the vax and I had related scepticism back to the climate field. But no. I was clearly a horrible person. To the gulag with my other selfish bedfellow - at gunpoint from the most selfish, fearful who you'd think could be tolerant of dissenting views having been on the wrong side of the climate fence. I can pinpoint this as a turning point for me where my view hardened considerably - where the so called climate sceptic community were in fact just another bunch of baying sheep ready to acquiesce to the encircling wolves. These selfish bastards wanted me and my kids to be vaxxed into myocarditis to make them 'safe'. Riiiiiiiiight. Result I'm far, far less moderate now than this reply.

"I've addressed selfish but I will reiterate for my children in forceful terms - over my dead body. I'd be a rotten parent if I acquiesced their future, including their potential children in the rush to save a fractional percentage of the population. Trialling this novel vaccine on children is barbaric. There's a reason vaccine trials take years and my children are not lab rats. Nor are anyone else's. Can I make this clearer? Do those proposing this understand the weight of responsibility and the traumatic levels of care, let alone the grief of losing the child you could have had if these vaccines cause life altering disability - all because you want to feel safe and forced someone that did not need to have this vaccine take it? Selfish? You need to reevaluate your humanity. 

[I cringe at the first part of this following paragraph now] Vaccines are wonderful and have helped us improve beyond recognition the human condition, but we have never done what we are trying now. They have consequences but we can weigh the risk over time, something we have failed to comprehend nor been given the opportunity to as government and phama sales pressurise us into make a rash decisions of which the consequences are far reaching. 

To bring this back to climate is the cure worse than the disease? Do we completely go all in now with no consideration for tomorrow because today seems so bleak - if, and only if, we take the narrative and narrow lens of today as truth? 

Excuse my logical hesitation, because I'm not focused on the here and now but what those that will live in the there and then will face. I have skin in this game and yes I have had people die from this horrible disease also but I refuse to rush to buy. 

I have often asked myself if this was like Spanish Flu, which affected the young, would the older population suddenly be "anti-vax"? Considering the human condition I'd wager yes, but I wouldn't hold it against them. I never judged nor disrespected those who took the vax but it doesn't seem to work in reverse because of the same moralising we see in climate (you hate the planet blah, blah, you don't care about future generations blah de bloody blah) has risen to the fore only on steroids. 

Calling anyone who has reservations anti-vax or selfish is Lew paper territory (and this place should have PHDs in that effluent) and it's disappointing critical facilities are so lacking - my hairdresser had more hesitancy because she'd like children. 

Why trust science? One good reason. Humans are pretty useless and bend to the wind on a good day when you ramp up fear. I see lots of fear. I don't see thinking."

I expected it from MSM acolytes but the vitriol was on a par, if not worse, than every mask wearing, EU/Ukraine flag bearing FBPE 'BeKind' type we see on Twatter. The koof really showed who people are when the chips are down - sheep living in fear easily herded by wolves. Some found redemption and eventually awoke to the danger, but far too late after they had inflicted so much needless pain and suffering - and far too many remain unrepentant and under the influence, no other word for it, evil. The Climate Sceptic community can go inhale their own ass gas until asphyxiation for all I care now. At least it might save them from the next psyop they will bay for.

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Wow Craig. Well said! I'm well out of there but look in occasionally and just can't believe, with all that's gone on, that I am still reading these comments from contributors:

"Comparing present events to the Holocaust has always been a “no” from me. However, some are willing to support it when it is “their” side making the comparisons, as for example the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/14/suella-braverman-wont-apologise-to-holocaust-survivor-for-calling-migrants-invasion

I have been resisting reading about vaccine side effects, reasoning that most of the criticisms are conspiracy theories, and (perhaps naively) that any genuine problems would eventually overcome attempts to stifle them and rise to the top."

Jesus. None so blind as those that won't see! This was the guy who said he'd be first in the queue for the 'vaccine' (which was never a vaccine but a gene therapy) when it was rolled out, implying that my 'antivax conspiracy theories' were also anti-science. Well guess what; following many millions of dead and injured persons, now we've got ACTUAL Holocaust survivors and their families comparing what's happened to the Holocaust and stating that the Covid fascists adopted techniques straight out of the Nazi playbook!

Then there's this:

"I am not an anti-vaxxer, and I had my first three covid jabs as soon as they were available. I had my flu jab last autumn as usual.

I haven’t caught covid since, not that that fact is conclusive of anything. However, it seemed to me that now that covid is by and large mild, and given that there is a risk – however slight – of injury or death from vaccines, it makes more sense for a fit and healthy 50-something (i.e. me) to take my chances with covid. That is not to say that I was not grateful for the original vaccination programme – I believe it probably did save a lot of lives and that it helped – even if only because of its psychological influence – to enable society to open up again and to begin to return to normal."

Getting there, but nowhere near enough. The Covid 'vaccine' mass rollout almost certainly saved zero lives and equally certainly killed millions across the globe, seriously injuring countless more. To state that it was a good idea anyway, just for the psychological boost of enabling everyone to 'feel safe' and open up after the malignly planned and totally fraudulent lockdowns is just beyond the pale.

These are the people who are dead set against net zero in order to address a fictitious 'climate crisis'. It's just unbelievable. I never got a public or private apology for the shabby way I was treated by 'the gang', nor for the post which was deliberately put up to try and embarrass and humiliate me, which is why I remain somewhat pissed.

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I just went back to November 2020, to a post deliberately created to target and humiliate me, and this was my response then:

"I’m not sure I can really muster up the enthusiasm to counter all these complicated, contorted, overly academic and dare I say, somewhat arrogant and pompous rebuttals of my fascist/Nazi analogising. It’s tiresome. I get that you don’t like being compared to a Nazi collaborator because you chose to obey an insane, non-evidence-based diktat from an illegitimate government ruling by decree, but the truth is, if in July there had been mass non-compliance of this outrageous imposition upon our freedom, then it’s quite likely that the government would have thought very carefully before trying to go further. Many people (including myself) believe it was a test of compliance (and intelligence) – we failed, spectacularly. ‘Going further’ means that kids are now traumatised and psychologically and physically abused in schools, going further means that now many, many thousands more people will die. Going further means that millions will die in the Third World when our economies crash because of lockdowns. Going further means that Twitter and other social media platforms are censoring anti-mask tweets and academic studies demonstrating that masks don’t work remain unpublished. That’s Nazi enough for me and I’m terribly sorry if some find the comparison ‘odious’. Tough, basically. My compassion is for the living and the suffering and if I have to endure accusations of paranoia and hyperbole for aggressively defending the rights of those people to live freely and happily rather than face fascist restrictions upon the healthy, then so be it."

So tell me I was wrong. Masks are now thoroughly debunked. The mass compliance with mandatory masking was THE signal for the government to go further and it ended in the extreme coercion/mandating of experimental gene therapies which have killed thousands in the UK, and injured millions, including children and young adults who were never at risk from Covid. Arseholes.

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I guess many who became covid skeptical also then went on to fall for the Ukraine thing. Seems folk need a adjustment time to see the through the next "current thing",

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I certainly believe that to be true to my observations initially. The "two weeks to flatten the curve" was bought by many. Many were simply uncertain, myself included.

I would say that within about six months the majority of climate change skeptics were COVID policy skeptics as well. What little faith many had left in ANY Government institution has been deeply vanquished, perhaps permanently. One thing learned as a result of the Trump presidency is how deep the corruption runs. The "March through the Institutions" is fairly complete, and deeply tragic.

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Not my experience sadly. Three years later and some still haven't come to terms with the fact that they were repeatedly lied to by government, media, Big Pharma and the medical profession, or that the 'vaccines' are much, much worse than completely useless.

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I am curious what sites.

I do not frequent as often, yet I would base my experience from visits to WUWT and JoNova

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I think Jo Nova was initially taken in by the scam, if I remember correctly. Covid sceptics tend to get blanked on Not A Lot Of People Know That, so I'm told. cliscep.com are still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they were scammed.

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Very good.

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Funnily enough, the trend in major winter storms since 2015 seems, from the table you show, to be down. Don't worry though, I'm sure storms Asinine, Bollocks and Claptrap will soon break the duck this year.

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