Only 2.8%? So the medical professionals are happy to put this risk on their patients even though there was 0.000001% chance of death FROM Covid?

Their patients are not family, not loved ones, not soulmates so they have no problem making risky decisions for their patients.

Risk should always be considered by the individual taking the risk and their informed choice. Sadly, medical professionals have been making the choice for everyone else.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

these "medical professionals" were getting paid to inject people or so I understand. So not possessing a shred of ethical conduct they took the money. If the Hippocratic oath is still given, it is as meaningless as the oath to the Constitution and the BOR by politicians, police and armed forces.

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

So if I include family now on top of dead co-workers and their children I'm up to 16 dead this year since January. All vax addicts except for one 20 year old girl who "needed" it for nursing school but didn't want it.

Something has to give..... soon.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Dr John Campbell has a great new post on the dire excess death statistics across all the highly vaccinated developed economies: https://principia-scientific.com/international-excess-deaths/.

The vaccine "safe and effective" mantra promoted by our oppressors is now looking very silly against the large numbers of excess dead bodies across all highly vaccinated countries which they are unable to hide. The title of the referenced Joel's Substack is very apt.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I'm so over people clutching their pearls when a holocaust comparison is made about the covid death cult. It's not just a metaphor, it's the perfect metaphor. Pretty much the same damn thing when you look at the DOD contracts and understand that the shots were designed to harm and kill the desired targets. The only people who have a problem with a simple comparison to a historical event are the ones who still want to believe that everything that went wrong with the operation were just "mistakes" and that our government still has our best interests at heart. And to still believe that, one must truly be mentally ill, or at least have Stockholm syndrome.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

my comparisons are mao, lenin, stalin, pol pot, castro et al murdering somewhere around 100-200 million of their own people. These historical events are much closer to the reality than the "holocaust".

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Agreed. But if we aren't even supposed to talk about the holocaust, then we're quite a ways from being able to compare our govt to the all time list.

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I agree too. I've made those comparisons and continue to make them. My favourite name for Boris Johnson when he was in office, talking about the Great Reset, 'anti-vaxxers', 'Green' energy etc. whilst abolishing the freedoms of the British people and using government units to brainwash them into compliance, was Pol Pot Belly. I didn't get any kickback on that but I did when I mentioned the Holocaust so, being the obstinate, defiant person that I am, when the wrong people tell me not to do something, I do it more, figuring I must be above the target.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

"Pol Pot Belly" LMAO Classic!

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I can't claim copyright on the term. I think I noticed it first on Twitter, but it didn't catch on, when it very much should have.

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The other people who have a problem with the comparison are the actual perpetrators and enablers of the Covid human rights atrocities.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

The harsh truths are now replacing the comfortable lies.

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