Nicholas Stern, he who gave us the infamous Stern Report of 2006, which was instrumental in the drafting and enactment of the UK Climate Change Act 2008, is at it again, pushing for the UK to accelerate investment in so called ‘Green technologies’ and adopt batshit crazy Bidenomics policies from across the Pond. I wonder if that includes blowing up undersea gas pipelines too? What better way to wean entire continents off of their ‘fossil fuel addiction’ than to sabotage their supply of cheap, plentiful natural gas and then offer limited amounts of much more expensive gas?
The Stern report was an overblown, overhyped, overlong piece of climate alarmist drivel commissioned by then PM/war criminal Tony Blair, which vastly overstated the economic risks of not taking ‘dramatic action’ on climate change and equally vastly underestimated the economic risks of taking that dramatic action. It cited a supposed scientifically unchallengeable ‘consensus’ on climate change pseudoscience which warned of increasingly severe and frequent impacts associated with the gentle warming of the planet. This was bang in the middle of the infamous and totally unexpected Global Warming Pause (1998-2013), which did significantly challenge the alleged ‘settled science’ of global warming (so much so that at least 90 scientific papers were published on it) which even the UK Met Office admitted to, but which has now been excised from the official temperature records, like it never happened.
Perhaps most importantly, and what is often overlooked is that the Stern Report was used as the justification for UK-based unilateral action on climate change, on the ridiculous assumption that the rest of the world would follow our lead. Countries like China, India, Russia, and Middle Eastern nations, for instance, which are responsible for the majority of industrial greenhouse gas emissions. Like hell did they! The UK emits less than 1% of global GHGs. Even if the entire country was nuked by Putin tomorrow (the warmongers are trying their damnedest to ensure that happens) and we totally stopped producing CO2 beneath a lethal cloud of toxic fallout, the effect upon global warming would be absolutely minimal, insignificant. That’s even assuming that their whacky global warming pseudoscience is correct (it’s not). So the Stern report advocated socially and economically punishing climate action for Brits for basically zero global climate benefit. That’s what they really meant by Net Zero - net zero effect upon global temperature. Our politicians then proceeded to write the Stern report policy prescriptions into law. That was treason, and still is.
Now Stern wants the government to raise taxes again in the midst of the worst cost of living crisis since WW2, so lil’ old Britain can virtue-signal harder and faster on climate action.
The UK has made good progress towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 but getting there may need higher taxes.
That's according to leading economist Lord Nicholas Stern, who says both public and private investment in new technologies is needed.
The UK is also being urged to follow the US in stimulating green technology by a former boss of oil giant BP.
You scurrilous plebs must be made to suffer more, pay more, live more austerely and miserably, says ‘Lord’ Stern, former boss of oil giant BP. Because Britain simply must virtue signal its intent to single-handedly save the planet from a ‘climate crisis’ which doesn’t exist, and never will. In the meantime, elite investors in ‘Green’ technologies will get fabulously wealthy.
Lord Stern told the BBC: "We must have growth and we must drive down emissions, and it's investment in the new technologies that's going to get us there."
He added: "I'm not arguing for delaying investment in health and education. We have to pursue those at the same time.
"If we have to tax a little bit more, so be it. If we have to borrow a bit more for the really tremendous investments, then we should do that."
What ‘tremendous investments’? Scalable Green technology to replace fossil fuels doesn’t even exist. We can’t store enough energy from wind to supply the nation during spells of settled weather for more than just a few minutes - battery technology just cannot do that. Even if it could, where are all the raw materials going to come from? EVs are pathetic, expensive, unreliable, inefficient and take years to recoup the supposed ‘savings’ in CO2 emissions compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. Solar panels eating up valuable pasture or farmland or displacing valuable forest are a sick joke. The national grid wasn’t designed to cope with intermittent renewables which is why ‘smart’ meters are being rolled out in order to ration energy when the wind isn’t blowing or to actually pay people to use excess energy when there’s too much wind. ‘Green energy’ is a Ponzi scheme run by climate clowns. It will collapse at some point, but not before immense damage is done to our energy infrastructure and way of life.
The climate clowns need magical thinking in order to promote their Ponzi scheme to the public. Enter Artificial ‘Intelligence’, increasingly used nowadays to plug the gaps left by the abandonment of science, logic and rationality.
He [Stern] is optimistic that a tipping point in key green technologies - including energy generation, car batteries and fertilizer manufacture - is achievable within a few years, with artificial intelligence playing a key role.
It’s easy to be optimistic when you’ve got so much money that Net Zero is never going to affect you personally - and will most likely make you even richer - and when you can invoke magical thinking in the form of ‘artificial intelligence’ to sell your poisonous Snake Oil to a long suffering public.
If the physics of the Sun espoused by Prof. Zharkova and her colleagues is correct then we won't have to wait very long before global temperature is in serious decline.
CC dissenters need to prepare their arguments so as to be in a position to capitalise on the failure of the current 'consensus' CC models even as the artificial shortages of fossil fuels begin to bite.
California want everyone to buy electric vehicles - to 'save the planet' - but they don't want people to charge them because they do not have the infrastructure and capacity to charge all those vehicles!!! DOH!