We live in a post legal, post factual era.

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Jun 24Liked by Jaime Jessop

My wife and I actually managed to go to the cafe in the market place today and sat in the sun and had a coffee!

We could feel the ultraviolet photons penetrating the skin on our bare arms!

Should we seek urgent medical attention?

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You really should have stayed at home to protect the NHS.

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Jun 24Liked by Jaime Jessop

Well, when people see that a “yellow alert” actually means “pleasant weather” (and they will, very quickly), the “alerts” will become a joke, symbolizing how far from reality those attempting to manipulate public perception have become.

When people look outside and see blue sky, they’re going to believe the weather is fine no matter how often some bimbo on the Telly says “it’s raining”. They’re certainly not going to start thinking that their eyes are deceiving them.

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Are you sure? How many wore masks against a virus, accepted unsocial distancing, school closures and lockdowns? How many got or are still getting covid boosters?

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The real question is how many will again?

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Not sure as far too many are still wearing them in my neck of the woods. Still close to 100% of employees who deal with the public. Over half of elementary school kids, almost all medical and nursing students, taxi and bus drivers.

I’d bet most who are not still wearing them will again as soon as they are told to.

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Hoo boy. I see them only occasionally; I guess I’m lucky to live away from cities. Maybe country people know bullshit when they smell it.

I will stipulate that underestimating human foolishness is often a mistake.

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Haven’t ventured far from Tokyo lately, but up til this spring, folks were still wearing them out in the rural parts of Japan, at least the ones we went to and through. Up until last month, it was about 30% of those on the street still wearing them. Now down to I’d say around 15% on the street plus those I listed in my last reply. Madness.

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Asia, from what I understand from an acquaintance who lives in Taipei and is proud of the high level of masking still evident there, has historically been more enthusiastic about masks than the US, where I live. Do you think there’s some kind of cultural attraction to obedience and conformity?

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Jun 24Liked by Jaime Jessop

These duplicitous weasels AKA "experts", need to be called liars to their faces and ridiculed every time they open their mouths.

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Jun 24Liked by Jaime Jessop

If the UKHSA was seriously interested in health in social care settings they’d be telling care homes to take people outside to benefit from direct sunlight for a while. Instead they’ll be cooped up inside with the radiators on.

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It’s only 0.04% - I meant to say

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Jun 24Liked by Jaime Jessop

Why can’t we make the country watch Climate the Movie

It’s all a scam for Al Gore Ed Milliband etc to make millions

CO2 is actually our friend

It’s inner 0.04% of the earths atmosphere !

Of that 0.04% 97% is produced by nature (oceans volcanoes) so mankind is responsible for 3% of the 0.05% and of that 3% the UK is only 1%!

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I posted Climate the Movie on facebook and their illustrious factcheckers said it was false information.

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Jun 24Liked by Jaime Jessop

Insane is correct!!! The lunatics are in charge of the asylum for sure!!!! I’m in Essex and my forecast is 26C - it’s called summer!!! Why do we need a warning!!! Don’t recall warnings for cold in the winter???? Madness!

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