
I would like to challenge the unenlightened science of virology, immunology and vaccinology. The whole thing rests on the premise that an undetectable particle causes a collection of common and wide ranging detox symptoms gathered into one 'disease' https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing and that changes in sticky globulins produced in a body after being injected with toxins can denote changes in 'immunity'.



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You wrote: "I sincerely believe that without the mass vaccination campaigns, the pandemic would have been over and done with by the end of winter 2020/21 and the SC-2 virus would now be a stable, seasonally recurrent endemic disease, probably on a par with seasonal 'flu."

FWIW, the Amish in the US have already proven this to be true:

> https://ugetube.com/watch/amish-covid-full-measure_ccDwKD8q2Ol7MLF.html

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Apr 17, 2022·edited Apr 17, 2022Author

A comment in Nature by Markov et al:

"The comparatively milder infections with the Omicron variant and higher levels of population immunity have raised hopes for a weakening of the pandemic. We argue that the lower severity of Omicron is a coincidence and that ongoing rapid antigenic evolution is likely to produce new variants that may escape immunity and be more severe.

Omicron is the first VOC that is less virulent than other circulating strains and this has been enthusiastically interpreted to be a sign of the approaching end of the pandemic. Yet the lower severity of Omicron is nothing but a lucky coincidence — compared with previous VOCs, the majority of which featured increased virulence, Omicron appears like the exception. "


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I'm not vaxxed - thankfully! - but aside from the triple vaxxed folks loading up on anti-virals, what can we do forestall the looming disaster?

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Two articles published today by Igor Chudov and El Gato Malo tend to confirm that this is happening, that enhancement of infection and disease is real and that it's not looking good at all for highly vaccinated countries.



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